1,005 B
1,005 B
If you want to report a build error for some package, or a bug in core please use the following template as a guideline:
Expected Result
What you expected
Actual Result
What happened instead
Steps to reproduce the issue
$ spack <command1> <spec>
$ spack <command2> <spec>
Information on your system
This includes:
- which platform you are using
- any relevant configuration detail (custom
, etc.)
We encourage you to try, as much as possible, to reduce your problem to the minimal example that still reproduces the issue. That would help us a lot in fixing it quickly and effectively!
If you want to ask a question about the tool (how to use it, what it can currently do, etc.), try the #general
channel on our Slack first. We have a welcoming community and chances are you'll get your reply faster and without opening an issue.
Other than that, thanks for taking the time to contribute to Spack!