The function now returns the correct anchor level for arbitrary polygonal faces,
i.e. there is no assumption that the face comes from possibly spit hex cell.
- Replacing wget by curl for downloading packages
- Adjusting a few URLs that were no longer valid
- Contributing a new script for checking the validity of URLs specified
in AllMake.stage* files: ThirdParty/tools/
Usage: ThirdParty/tools/ ThirdParty/AllMake.stage1
-in turbulenceModels
backported alphat() member function
backported rhoEpsilonEff() memberfunction
backported to constructor sigature to allow derivation of classes
backported member functions for compatibility with FOs
allow mutkWallFunction to work with LES
To correct the previous commit, the BlockSolverPerformance has been enhanced
by a replace(...) and max(...) memeber function.
The matrix solve functions of fvMatrix, faMatrix and tetFemMatrix now store
solver performance data for all components in the solverPerformance dictionary
of solution. However, they will still return a scalar-valued
lduSolverPerformance based on the component with the max residual.
This is necessary as otherwise the type of a non-scalar field, which may be
specified in fvSolution::residualControl does not match the type which is
written to and read from the solverPerformance dictionary in the
maxTypeResidual(...) from solutionControl. If e.g. the field U is given
in fvSolution::residualControl of solutionControl, the constructor of
BlockSolverPerformance in the maxTypeResidual(...) from solutionControl
expects to read a vector ( u1 u2 u3 ) from the dictionary and not just one
The changes are inspired and directly related to the following vanilla
Note: a minor bugfix is also included (previously, dev has been used instead of
dev2. This is included in the current mathematical reformulation).
Tested on cavity case: now simpleFoam with laminar turbulence model gives
exactly the same results as icoFoam.
Instead of calculating pressure gradient and convection terms in each
wall function (for each patch), function objects pressureGradient and
velocityConvection will update them and register them in the database and we
only fetch the data when updating wall functions.
Modified enhanced wall treatment by Sutalo, wall functions are
sensitive to convection and pressure gradient effects.
Author: Filip Sutalo, Merge: Vuko Vukcevic
Compound wall treatment by Popovac and Hanjalic, wall functions are sensitive to
flow unsteadiness, convection effects and pressure gradient effects.
Author: Filip Sutalo, Merge: Vuko Vukcevic