OFstream* forceFilePtr(NULL);
// OFstream* stressFilePtr(NULL);
word historyPatchName(mesh.solutionDict().subDict("solidMechanics").lookup("historyPatch"));
label historyPatchID = mesh.boundaryMesh().findPatchID(historyPatchName);
if(historyPatchID == -1)
Warning << "history patch " << historyPatchName
<< " not found. Force-displacement will not be written"
<< endl;
else if(Pstream::master())
fileName historyDir = "history";
fileName forceFileName(historyDir/"forceDisp_"+historyPatchName+".dat");
Info << "\nForce-displacement for patch " << historyPatchName
<< " will be written to " << forceFileName
forceFilePtr = new OFstream(forceFileName);
OFstream& forceDispFile = *forceFilePtr;
forceDispFile << "#Disp(mm)\tForce(N)" << endl;
// {
// fileName stressFileName(historyDir/"stressStrain_"+historyPatchName+".dat");
// Info << "\nStress(Engineering Small Stress)-strain(Engineering Small Strain) for patch "
// << historyPatchName
// << " will be written to " << stressFileName
// << endl;
// stressFilePtr = new OFstream(stressFileName);
// OFstream& stressStrainFile = *stressFilePtr;
// stressStrainFile << "#Strain(-)\tStress(Pa)" << endl;
// }