174 lines
4.5 KiB
174 lines
4.5 KiB
import sqlalchemy as db
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
import os.path
def init_db():
_verbose = False #True
engine = db.create_engine('postgresql://hpc@hawk-monitor4:5432/coe_mon', echo=_verbose)
conn = engine.connect()
return conn
def init_query(jobid, interval):
query_string = """with job as (
select job_id, starttime, endtime, nodes from jobs where job_id='{jobid}.hawk-pbs5'
node_series as(
select n.name, scmcavg.id as series_id from nodes n
inner join (select * from label where key='node') l on n.id = l.value::int
inner join series_cmc_power_racktraynodepoweravg scmcavg on l.id = scmcavg.labels[(
select pos from label_key_position
where metric_category= 'cmc_power'
and metric_name = 'RackTrayNodePowerAvg'
and key = 'node'
where n.id = any((select nodes from job)::int[])
select a.time, a.value, ns.name from (
time_bucket(extract ('epoch' from '{interval} seconds'::interval)::int*1000, cmcavg.ts) as time,
avg(cmcavg.val) AS value
from cmc_power_racktraynodepoweravg cmcavg
ts <= (select endtime from job)
and ts >= (select starttime from job)
and series_id = Any(select series_id from node_series)
group by time, cmcavg.series_id order by time desc) a
inner join node_series ns on a.series_id::int = ns.series_id;
return db.text(query_string.format(jobid=jobid, interval=interval))
def db_to_list(connection, query):
return connection.execute(query).fetchall()
def db_to_pf(connection, query):
return pd.read_sql(query, con=connection)
class Power:
def __init__(self, nodes):
self.nodes = nodes
self.epochs = OrderedDict()
self.first_ts = None
self.last_ts = None
def insert_epoch(self, ts, values):
self.epochs[ts] = values
if not self.first_ts:
self.first_ts = ts
self.last_ts = ts
def from_list(cls, data):
"""Assumes data is a list of tuples (timestamp, value, node)"""
nodes = list(set([line[2] for line in data]))
cls = Power(nodes)
#times = list(set([line[0] for line in data]))
# for now ignore order to nodes
values = {}
for l in data:
ts = l[0]
if ts not in values:
values[ts] = []
# node = l[1]
power = l[1]
epochs = sorted(values.keys())
for epoch in epochs:
cls.insert_epoch(epoch, values[epoch])
return cls
def header(self):
hd = "# all timestamp have unit miliseconds since unix epoch\n"
hd += "# all power values have unit Watt\n"
hd += "timestamp,delta_t,head_node_power,avg_node_power,median_node_power,min_node_power,max_node_power,std_dev_node_power"
# add node names here instead
hd += ",NO_NODE_NAMES_YET\n"
return hd
def summarize_values(val):
values = np.asarray(val)
head = values[0]
min, max = values.min(), values.max()
avg, stddev = values.mean(), values.std()
median = np.median(values)
return head, avg, median, min, max, stddev
def summarize_time(ts):
return ts, -1
def summarize_epoch(epoch):
ts, values = epoch
return Power.summarize_time(ts) \
+ Power.summarize_values(values)
# + values
def pretty_print(args):
return ",".join(str(a) for a in args) + '\n'
def body(self):
_body = ""
for epoch in self.epochs.items():
_body += Power.pretty_print(self.summarize_epoch(epoch))
return _body
def filename(self, jobid):
fname = "detailed_power_{jobid}.hawk-pbs5.{first}-{last}.csv".format(
jobid=jobid, first=self.first_ts, last=self.last_ts
return fname
def to_file(self, jobid):
"""Dumps power data to file. Returns filename is succesfull and None if unsucessfull."""
fname = self.filename(jobid)
if os.path.exists(fname):
print("Error: cowardly refusing to overwrite file ", fname)
return None
with open(fname, "w+") as f:
except IOError:
print("Error: could not write to file ", filename)
fname = None
return fname
if __name__ == "__main__":
conn = init_db()
jobid = "2260215"
interval = 5
query = init_query(jobid, interval)
all_list = db_to_list(conn, query)
#all_df = db_to_df(conn, query)
power = Power.from_list(all_list) # , jobid, interval)
print("#epochs", len(power.epochs))
epochs_iter = iter(power.epochs.items())
ts, values = next(epochs_iter)
print(ts, values)
print('time:', power.summarize_time(ts))
print('values:', power.summarize_values(values))
print('epoch:', power.pretty_print(power.summarize_epoch((ts, values))))
print("filename: ", power.to_file(jobid))