# This file is meant to be sourced, not executed. # Add the contents to your shell startup file, i.g. `.bashrc` # Summary of workspace status function ws_quickcheck() { ws_list -R | awk -e ' BEGIN { color_red="\033[31m" color_green="\033[32m" color_orange="\033[33m" color_blue="\033[34m" color_clear="\033[0m" num_ws=0 print color_blue "-------------------------------------------------------- ------------" color_clear; print color_blue "Workspaces:" color_clear; print color_blue "-------------------------------------------------------- ------------" color_clear; } /^id:/ { ws_name=$2; } /remaining time/ { gsub("^.*:","",$0); days=$1; hours=$3 color=color_green; remaining=days + hours / 24; if (remaining < 7) color=color_red; else if(remaining < 14) color=color_orange; printf color "%-60s %7.2f" color_clear "\n", ws_name, remaining; num_ws = num_ws + 1 } END { if (num_ws < 1) print color_blue "(no workspaces)" print color_blue "--------------------------------------------------------------------" color_clear; } ' } # check if interactive shell if [ -t 1 ]; then ws_quickcheck fi