#!/bin/sh # sit class file # # Christoph Niethammer (C) 2013 # # Requirements (see https://pm.bsc.es/projects/nanox/wiki/BuildRequirements) # general dependencies: # * >=gcc-4.3 # * >=automake 1.10 # * >=autoconf 2.63 # * >=libtool-2.2.6a # * >=git-1.7.0 # additional feature: # * >=CUDA-3.0 # * >=Extrae-2.1.1 # * >=GasNet 1.14.2 CATEGORY="libs" PACKAGE="nanox" VERSION="0.7a-2013-04-22" URL="http://nanos.ac.upc.edu" INSTALLER="Christoph Niethammer " # Archive A and package name P A=${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz P=${PACKAGE}-${VERSION%%-*} # remove date suffix starting from first '-' # enable instrumentation (0|1) enable_extrae=${enable_extrae:=1} # build with ayudame support (0|1) enable_ayudame=${enable_ayudame:=1} # build with debugging symbols (0|1) enable_debug=${enable_debug:=0} # Other interesting configure options: CONFIGURE_OPTS=" \ --enable-static \ --enable-shared \ " if [ $enable_debug == 1 ] ; then COMPILER_OPTS+=" CFLAGS=-g CXXFLAGS=-g CPPFLAGS=-g LDFLAGS=-g" fi if [ $enable_extrae == 1 ] ; then module load performance/extrae echo "Building with EXTRAE_HOME=$EXTRAE_HOME" CONFIGURE_OPTS+=" --with-extrae=$EXTRAE_HOME" fi if [ $enable_ayudame == 1 ] ; then module load libs/ayudame echo "Building with AYUDAME_HOME=$AYUDAME_HOME" CONFIGURE_OPTS+=" --with-ayudame=$AYUDAME_HOME" fi src_pretest() { /bin/true }