#!/bin/sh # sit class file # # Rainer Keller, HLRS (2011) # Jose Gracia, HLRS (2012) CATEGORY="performance" PACKAGE="scalasca" VERSION="1.4.2" URL="http://www.scalasca.org/" INSTALLER="Jose Gracia " # Archive A and package name P A="scalasca-${VERSION}.tar.gz" P="scalasca-${VERSION}" enable_papi=${enable_papi:=1} qt_workaround=${qt_workaround:=0} # From configure: # additional options [ONLY TO BE USED IF DIRECTED BY configure]: # [--compiler=(gnu|pgi|intel|path|ibm|sun)] # Compiler selection # # (Linux only) # [--mpi=(mpich|mpich2|lam|openmpi|intel|intel2| # MPI-Lib selection # hp|scali|mpibull2|bullxmpi|sun|ibmpoe)] # (Linux/Solaris only) # use PAPI if [ $enable_papi != 0 ] ; then if [ $PLATFORM="laki" ] ; then #module load system/perfctr system/papi echo "Using Papi counters provided by system" else module load papi fi PAPI_DIR=$(dirname $(dirname $(which papi_avail))) CONFIGURE_OPTS="${CONFIGURE_OPTS} --with-papi=$PAPI_DIR" fi # workaround for Qt if [ $qt_workaround != 0 ] ; then if [ $PLATFORM="laki" ] ; then echo "Doing workaround for Qt" QMAKE=/usr/lib64/qt4/bin/qmake CONFIGURE_OPTS="${CONFIGURE_OPTS} --with-qmake=$QMAKE" fi fi BUILDDIR="${SRCDIR}" #/build-linux-gomp-openmpi" LOGDIR=${LOGDIR:="/tmp/$USER-$PACKAGE-$VERSION/"} # GRRRR Scalasca is creating their own build-directory (messy configure...) # and the build dir name seems to change src_build() { #cd build-linux-${COMPILER}-${MPI} cd build-linux-gomp-${MPI} make cd - }