* everytrace: New package
Everytrace ensures that stack trace is obtained every time a program exits, for whatever reason.
* everytrace: Change CMake to build dependency
* Renamed to everytrace-example, flake8 and copyright issues.
* flake8
* Missing type=build
* Warn user if flake8 can't find setuptools
* Add missing dependencies of flake8
* Updates to py-autopep8, make packages activateable
* Check for presence of setuptools for Sphinx too
* Fix bug in order of commands
* Adding last version of fenics and making trilinos not ambiguous on hdf5
* forcing fenics to ignore hdf5 cxx
* Adding deptypes and correcting the hdf5 patch
* flake8 corrections
* cleaning some useless code
* Provide new versions of llvm.
+ Provide file list and md5 hashes for 3.8.1 and 3.9.0.
+ Clean up indentation for the 'releases' data structure to improve
* Adding a block of code to the 'resources' structure for cfe.
* Merge cfe and clang resources into single entity.
* Added hadoop, spark, and variant spark+hadoop
* Docstrings, dependency types, urls, copyright
* Flake8 fixes, link dependency for hadoop
* Build type for spark, env problem setting JAVA_HOME
* New package: libquo
libquo is a high-level, easy to use programming interface tailored specifically
for MPI/MPI+X codes that may benefit from evolving process binding policies
during their execution. QUO allows for arbitrary process binding policies to
be enacted and reverted during the execution of an MPI/MPI+X application as
different computational phases are entered and exited, respectively.
* Remove use of 'which' and fix style non-conformance.
* Add libint package
* Add Intel optimization flags recommended by CP2K
* Add new version and Intel compiler optimization flags for libxc
* Add older version of libint
* Libint depends on GMP C++ library
Pro tips from @adamjstewart:
* line too long in package description
* name it grib-api instead of grib_api
* depend on netcdf without reference to unnecessary constraints
* py-pil: Does not build with Python3.
* Set py-pillow to be the default pil provider
* Update package.py
* Change to comments requested by adamjstewart
* Remove version constraint from extends(), avoid a Spack bug.
* dealii: add missing python dependency
* boost: fix a bug which broke it on macOS with clang+gfortran
Boost was using gcc compiler instead of clang++, which lead to
cryptic Undefined symbols linking errors for boost::python::objects::function_object()
when building other packages against boost+python.
* boost: add exceptions for intel
* boost: use spack_cxx