Clean up tests and add Python3 to Travis.
- Clean up spec_syntax tests: don't dependend on DB order. - spec_syntax hash parsing tests were strongly dependent on the order the DB was traversed. - Tests now specifically grab the specs they want from the mock DB. - Tests are more readable as a result. - Add Python3 versions to Travis tests.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 166 additions and 84 deletions
@ -22,6 +22,22 @@ matrix:
os: linux
language: python
env: TEST_SUITE=unit
- python: '3.3'
os: linux
language: python
env: TEST_SUITE=unit
- python: '3.4'
os: linux
language: python
env: TEST_SUITE=unit
- python: '3.5'
os: linux
language: python
env: TEST_SUITE=unit
- python: '3.6'
os: linux
language: python
env: TEST_SUITE=unit
- python: '2.7'
os: linux
language: python
@ -45,6 +61,7 @@ addons:
- gfortran
- mercurial
- graphviz
# Work around Travis's lack of support for Python on OSX
@ -60,7 +77,6 @@ install:
- pip install --upgrade codecov
- pip install --upgrade flake8
- pip install --upgrade sphinx
- pip install --upgrade mercurial
# Need this for the git tests to succeed.
@ -106,7 +106,6 @@
from six import string_types
from six import iteritems
import llnl.util.tty as tty
import spack
import spack.architecture
import spack.compilers as compilers
@ -159,6 +158,7 @@
# Valid pattern for an identifier in Spack
@ -2952,8 +2952,7 @@ def spec_by_hash(self):
spec.dag_hash()[:len(self.token.value)] == self.token.value]
if not matches:
tty.die("%s does not match any installed packages." %
raise NoSuchHashError(self.token.value)
if len(matches) != 1:
raise AmbiguousHashError(
@ -3325,6 +3324,12 @@ def __init__(self, spec, hash):
% (hash, spec))
class NoSuchHashError(SpecError):
def __init__(self, hash):
super(NoSuchHashError, self).__init__(
"No installed spec matches the hash: '%s'")
class RedundantSpecError(SpecError):
def __init__(self, spec, addition):
super(RedundantSpecError, self).__init__(
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def check_lex(self, tokens, spec):
def _check_raises(self, exc_type, items):
for item in items:
with pytest.raises(exc_type):
# ========================================================================
# Parse checks
@ -225,113 +225,174 @@ def test_parse_errors(self):
errors = ['x@@1.2', 'x ^y@@1.2', 'x@1.2::', 'x::']
self._check_raises(SpecParseError, errors)
def _check_hash_parse(self, spec):
"""Check several ways to specify a spec by hash."""
# full hash
self.check_parse(str(spec), '/' + spec.dag_hash())
# partial hash
self.check_parse(str(spec), '/ ' + spec.dag_hash()[:5])
# name + hash
self.check_parse(str(spec), + '/' + spec.dag_hash())
# name + version + space + partial hash
str(spec), + '@' + str(spec.version) +
' /' + spec.dag_hash()[:6])
def test_spec_by_hash(self, database):
specs = database.mock.db.query()
hashes = [s._hash for s in specs] # Preserves order of elements
assert len(specs) # make sure something's in the DB
# Make sure the database is still the shape we expect
assert len(specs) > 3
self.check_parse(str(specs[0]), '/' + hashes[0])
self.check_parse(str(specs[1]), '/ ' + hashes[1][:5])
self.check_parse(str(specs[2]), specs[2].name + '/' + hashes[2])
specs[3].name + '@' + str(specs[3].version) +
' /' + hashes[3][:6])
for spec in specs:
def test_dep_spec_by_hash(self, database):
specs = database.mock.db.query()
hashes = [s._hash for s in specs] # Preserves order of elements
mpileaks_zmpi = database.mock.db.query_one('mpileaks ^zmpi')
zmpi = database.mock.db.query_one('zmpi')
fake = database.mock.db.query_one('fake')
# Make sure the database is still the shape we expect
assert len(specs) > 10
assert specs[4].name in specs[10]
assert specs[-1].name in specs[10]
assert 'fake' in mpileaks_zmpi
assert 'zmpi' in mpileaks_zmpi
spec1 = sp.Spec(specs[10].name + '^/' + hashes[4])
assert specs[4].name in spec1 and spec1[specs[4].name] == specs[4]
spec2 = sp.Spec(specs[10].name + '%' + str(specs[10].compiler) +
' ^ / ' + hashes[-1])
assert (specs[-1].name in spec2 and
spec2[specs[-1].name] == specs[-1] and
spec2.compiler == specs[10].compiler)
spec3 = sp.Spec(specs[10].name + '^/' + hashes[4][:4] +
'^ / ' + hashes[-1][:5])
assert (specs[-1].name in spec3 and
spec3[specs[-1].name] == specs[-1] and
specs[4].name in spec3 and spec3[specs[4].name] == specs[4])
mpileaks_hash_fake = sp.Spec('mpileaks ^/' + fake.dag_hash())
assert 'fake' in mpileaks_hash_fake
assert mpileaks_hash_fake['fake'] == fake
mpileaks_hash_zmpi = sp.Spec(
'mpileaks %' + str(mpileaks_zmpi.compiler) +
' ^ / ' + zmpi.dag_hash())
assert 'zmpi' in mpileaks_hash_zmpi
assert mpileaks_hash_zmpi['zmpi'] == zmpi
assert mpileaks_hash_zmpi.compiler == mpileaks_zmpi.compiler
mpileaks_hash_fake_and_zmpi = sp.Spec(
'mpileaks ^/' + fake.dag_hash()[:4] + '^ / ' + zmpi.dag_hash()[:5])
assert 'zmpi' in mpileaks_hash_fake_and_zmpi
assert mpileaks_hash_fake_and_zmpi['zmpi'] == zmpi
assert 'fake' in mpileaks_hash_fake_and_zmpi
assert mpileaks_hash_fake_and_zmpi['fake'] == fake
def test_multiple_specs_with_hash(self, database):
specs = database.mock.db.query()
hashes = [s._hash for s in specs] # Preserves order of elements
mpileaks_zmpi = database.mock.db.query_one('mpileaks ^zmpi')
callpath_mpich2 = database.mock.db.query_one('callpath ^mpich2')
assert len(specs) > 3
# name + hash + separate hash
specs = sp.parse('mpileaks /' + mpileaks_zmpi.dag_hash() +
'/' + callpath_mpich2.dag_hash())
assert len(specs) == 2
output = sp.parse(specs[0].name + '/' + hashes[0] + '/' + hashes[1])
assert len(output) == 2
output = sp.parse('/' + hashes[0] + '/' + hashes[1])
assert len(output) == 2
output = sp.parse('/' + hashes[0] + '/' + hashes[1] +
' ' + specs[2].name)
assert len(output) == 3
output = sp.parse('/' + hashes[0] +
' ' + specs[1].name + ' ' + specs[2].name)
assert len(output) == 3
output = sp.parse('/' + hashes[0] + ' ' +
specs[1].name + ' / ' + hashes[1])
assert len(output) == 2
# 2 separate hashes
specs = sp.parse('/' + mpileaks_zmpi.dag_hash() +
'/' + callpath_mpich2.dag_hash())
assert len(specs) == 2
# 2 separate hashes + name
specs = sp.parse('/' + mpileaks_zmpi.dag_hash() +
'/' + callpath_mpich2.dag_hash() +
' callpath')
assert len(specs) == 3
# hash + 2 names
specs = sp.parse('/' + mpileaks_zmpi.dag_hash() +
' callpath' +
' callpath')
assert len(specs) == 3
# hash + name + hash
specs = sp.parse('/' + mpileaks_zmpi.dag_hash() +
' callpath' +
' / ' + callpath_mpich2.dag_hash())
assert len(specs) == 2
def test_ambiguous_hash(self, database):
specs = database.mock.db.query()
hashes = [s._hash for s in specs] # Preserves order of elements
dbspecs = database.mock.db.query()
# Make sure the database is as expected
assert hashes[1][:1] == hashes[2][:1] == 'b'
def find_ambiguous(specs, keyfun):
"""Return the first set of specs that's ambiguous under a
particular key function."""
key_to_spec = {}
for spec in specs:
key = keyfun(spec)
speclist = key_to_spec.setdefault(key, [])
if len(speclist) > 1:
return (key, speclist)
ambiguous_hashes = ['/b',
specs[1].name + '/b',
specs[0].name + '^/b',
specs[0].name + '^' + specs[1].name + '/b']
self._check_raises(AmbiguousHashError, ambiguous_hashes)
# If we fail here, we may need to guarantee that there are
# some ambiguos specs by adding more specs to the test DB
# until this succeeds.
raise RuntimeError("no ambiguous specs found for keyfun!")
# ambiguity in first hash character
char, specs = find_ambiguous(dbspecs, lambda s: s.dag_hash()[0])
self._check_raises(AmbiguousHashError, ['/' + char])
# ambiguity in first hash character AND spec name
t, specs = find_ambiguous(dbspecs,
lambda s: (, s.dag_hash()[0]))
name, char = t
self._check_raises(AmbiguousHashError, [name + '/' + char])
def test_invalid_hash(self, database):
specs = database.mock.db.query()
hashes = [s._hash for s in specs] # Preserves order of elements
mpileaks_zmpi = database.mock.db.query_one('mpileaks ^zmpi')
zmpi = database.mock.db.query_one('zmpi')
# Make sure the database is as expected
assert (hashes[0] != hashes[3] and
hashes[1] != hashes[4] and len(specs) > 4)
mpileaks_mpich = database.mock.db.query_one('mpileaks ^mpich')
mpich = database.mock.db.query_one('mpich')
inputs = [specs[0].name + '/' + hashes[3],
specs[1].name + '^' + specs[4].name + '/' + hashes[0],
specs[1].name + '^' + specs[4].name + '/' + hashes[1]]
self._check_raises(InvalidHashError, inputs)
# name + incompatible hash
self._check_raises(InvalidHashError, [
'zmpi /' + mpich.dag_hash(),
'mpich /' + zmpi.dag_hash()])
# name + dep + incompatible hash
self._check_raises(InvalidHashError, [
'mpileaks ^mpich /' + mpileaks_zmpi.dag_hash(),
'mpileaks ^zmpi /' + mpileaks_mpich.dag_hash()])
def test_nonexistent_hash(self, database):
# This test uses database to make sure we don't accidentally access
# real installs, however unlikely
"""Ensure we get errors for nonexistant hashes."""
specs = database.mock.db.query()
hashes = [s._hash for s in specs] # Preserves order of elements
# Make sure the database is as expected
assert 'abc123' not in [h[:6] for h in hashes]
# This hash shouldn't be in the test DB. What are the odds :)
no_such_hash = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
hashes = [s._hash for s in specs]
assert no_such_hash not in [h[:len(no_such_hash)] for h in hashes]
nonexistant_hashes = ['/abc123',
specs[0].name + '/abc123']
self._check_raises(SystemExit, nonexistant_hashes)
self._check_raises(NoSuchHashError, [
'/' + no_such_hash,
'mpileaks /' + no_such_hash])
def test_redundant_spec(self, database):
specs = database.mock.db.query()
hashes = [s._hash for s in specs] # Preserves order of elements
"""Check that redundant spec constraints raise errors.
# Make sure the database is as expected
assert len(specs) > 3
TODO (TG): does this need to be an error? Or should concrete
specs only raise errors if constraints cause a contradiction?
mpileaks_zmpi = database.mock.db.query_one('mpileaks ^zmpi')
callpath_zmpi = database.mock.db.query_one('callpath ^zmpi')
dyninst = database.mock.db.query_one('dyninst')
mpileaks_mpich2 = database.mock.db.query_one('mpileaks ^mpich2')
redundant_specs = [
# redudant compiler
'/' + mpileaks_zmpi.dag_hash() + '%' + str(mpileaks_zmpi.compiler),
# redudant version
'mpileaks/' + mpileaks_mpich2.dag_hash() +
'@' + str(mpileaks_mpich2.version),
# redundant dependency
'callpath /' + callpath_zmpi.dag_hash() + '^ libelf',
# redundant flags
'/' + dyninst.dag_hash() + ' cflags="-O3 -fPIC"']
redundant_specs = ['/' + hashes[0] + '%' + str(specs[0].compiler),
specs[1].name + '/' + hashes[1] +
'@' + str(specs[1].version),
specs[2].name + '/' + hashes[2] + '^ libelf',
'/' + hashes[3] + ' cflags="-O3 -fPIC"']
self._check_raises(RedundantSpecError, redundant_specs)
def test_duplicate_variant(self):
Reference in a new issue