spack.util.url: fix join breakage in python 3.12.6 (#46453)

This commit is contained in:
Harmen Stoppels 2024-09-19 12:29:56 +02:00 committed by Harmen Stoppels
parent 68558b3dd0
commit 1c6c4b4690
2 changed files with 77 additions and 311 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
import os.path
import urllib.parse
import pytest
import spack.util.path
import spack.util.url as url_util
@ -45,155 +47,63 @@ def test_relative_path_to_file_url(tmpdir):
assert os.path.samefile(roundtrip, path)
def test_url_join_local_paths():
# Resolve local link against page URL
@pytest.mark.parametrize("resolve_href", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("scheme", ["http", "s3", "gs", "file"])
def test_url_join_absolute(scheme, resolve_href):
"""Test that joining a URL with an absolute path works the same for schemes we care about, and
whether we work in web browser mode or not."""
netloc = "" if scheme == "file" else ""
a1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://{netloc}/a/b/c", "/d/e/f", resolve_href=resolve_href)
a2 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://{netloc}/a/b/c", "/d", "e", "f", resolve_href=resolve_href)
assert a1 == a2 == f"{scheme}://{netloc}/d/e/f"
# wrong:
assert (
url_util.join("s3://bucket/index.html", "../other-bucket/document.txt")
== "s3://bucket/other-bucket/document.txt"
# correct - need to specify resolve_href=True:
assert (
url_util.join("s3://bucket/index.html", "../other-bucket/document.txt", resolve_href=True)
== "s3://other-bucket/document.txt"
# same as above: make sure several components are joined together correctly
assert (
# with resolve_href=True, first arg is the base url; can not be
# broken up
# with resolve_href=True, remaining arguments are the components of
# the local href that needs to be resolved
== "s3://other-bucket/document.txt"
# Append local path components to prefix URL
# wrong:
assert (
url_util.join("", "my-package", resolve_href=True)
== ""
# correct - Need to specify resolve_href=False:
assert (
url_util.join("", "my-package", resolve_href=False)
== ""
# same as above; make sure resolve_href=False is default
assert (
url_util.join("", "my-package")
== ""
# same as above: make sure several components are joined together correctly
assert (
# with resolve_href=False, first arg is just a prefix. No
# resolution is done. So, there should be no difference between
# join('/a/b/c', 'd/e'),
# join('/a/b', 'c', 'd/e'),
# join('/a', 'b/c', 'd', 'e'), etc.
== ""
# For s3:// URLs, the "netloc" (bucket) is considered part of the path.
# Make sure join() can cross bucket boundaries in this case.
args = ["s3://bucket/a/b", "new-bucket", "c"]
assert url_util.join(*args) == "s3://bucket/a/b/new-bucket/c"
args.insert(1, "..")
assert url_util.join(*args) == "s3://bucket/a/new-bucket/c"
args.insert(1, "..")
assert url_util.join(*args) == "s3://bucket/new-bucket/c"
# new-bucket is now the "netloc" (bucket name)
args.insert(1, "..")
assert url_util.join(*args) == "s3://new-bucket/c"
b1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://{netloc}/a", "", resolve_href=resolve_href)
b2 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://{netloc}/a", "", "b", resolve_href=resolve_href)
assert b1 == b2 == ""
def test_url_join_absolute_paths():
# Handling absolute path components is a little tricky. To this end, we
# distinguish "absolute path components", from the more-familiar concept of
# "absolute paths" as they are understood for local filesystem paths.
# - All absolute paths are absolute path components. Joining a URL with
# these components has the effect of completely replacing the path of the
# URL with the absolute path. These components do not specify a URL
# scheme, so the scheme of the URL procuced when joining them depend on
# those provided by components that came before it (file:// assumed if no
# such scheme is provided).
@pytest.mark.parametrize("scheme", ["http", "s3", "gs"])
def test_url_join_up(scheme):
"""Test that the netloc component is preserved when going .. up in the path."""
a1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b.html", "c", resolve_href=True)
assert a1 == f"{scheme}://netloc/a/c"
b1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b.html", "../c", resolve_href=True)
b2 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b.html", "..", "c", resolve_href=True)
assert b1 == b2 == f"{scheme}://netloc/c"
c1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b.html", "../../c", resolve_href=True)
c2 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b.html", "..", "..", "c", resolve_href=True)
assert c1 == c2 == f"{scheme}://netloc/c"
# For eaxmple:
p = "/path/to/resource"
# an absolute path
d1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b", "c", resolve_href=False)
assert d1 == f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b/c"
d2 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b", "../c", resolve_href=False)
d3 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b", "..", "c", resolve_href=False)
assert d2 == d3 == f"{scheme}://netloc/a/c"
e1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b", "../../c", resolve_href=False)
e2 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b", "..", "..", "c", resolve_href=False)
assert e1 == e2 == f"{scheme}://netloc/c"
f1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b", "../../../c", resolve_href=False)
f2 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://netloc/a/b", "..", "..", "..", "c", resolve_href=False)
assert f1 == f2 == f"{scheme}://netloc/c"
# http:// URL
assert url_util.join("", p) == ""
# s3:// URL
# also notice how the netloc is treated as part of the path for s3:// URLs
assert url_util.join("s3://", p) == "s3://path/to/resource"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("scheme", ["http", "https", "ftp", "s3", "gs", "file"])
def test_url_join_resolve_href(scheme):
"""test that `resolve_href=True` behaves like a web browser at the base page, and
`resolve_href=False` behaves like joining paths in a file system at the base directory."""
# these are equivalent because of the trailing /
netloc = "" if scheme == "file" else "netloc"
a1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://{netloc}/my/path/", "other/path", resolve_href=True)
a2 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://{netloc}/my/path/", "other", "path", resolve_href=True)
assert a1 == a2 == f"{scheme}://{netloc}/my/path/other/path"
b1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://{netloc}/my/path", "other/path", resolve_href=False)
b2 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://{netloc}/my/path", "other", "path", resolve_href=False)
assert b1 == b2 == f"{scheme}://{netloc}/my/path/other/path"
# - URL components that specify a scheme are always absolute path
# components. Joining a base URL with these components effectively
# discards the base URL and "resets" the joining logic starting at the
# component in question and using it as the new base URL.
# For eaxmple:
p = ""
# an http:// URL
join_result = url_util.join(p, "resource")
assert join_result == ""
# works as if everything before the http:// URL was left out
assert url_util.join("literally", "does", "not", "matter", p, "resource") == join_result
assert url_util.join("file:///a/b/c", "./d") == "file:///a/b/c/d"
# Finally, resolve_href should have no effect for how absolute path
# components are handled because local hrefs can not be absolute path
# components.
args = [
expected = ""
assert url_util.join(*args, resolve_href=True) == expected
assert url_util.join(*args, resolve_href=False) == expected
# resolve_href only matters for the local path components at the end of the
# argument list.
args[-1] = "/path/to/page"
args.extend(("..", "..", "resource"))
assert url_util.join(*args, resolve_href=True) == ""
assert url_util.join(*args, resolve_href=False) == ""
# this is like a web browser: relative to /my.
c1 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://{netloc}/my/path", "other/path", resolve_href=True)
c2 = url_util.join(f"{scheme}://{netloc}/my/path", "other", "path", resolve_href=True)
assert c1 == c2 == f"{scheme}://{netloc}/my/other/path"
def test_default_download_name():

View file

@ -7,17 +7,13 @@
Utility functions for parsing, formatting, and manipulating URLs.
import itertools
import os
import posixpath
import re
import sys
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from typing import Optional
from llnl.path import convert_to_posix_path
from spack.util.path import sanitize_filename
@ -29,26 +25,6 @@ def validate_scheme(scheme):
return scheme in ("file", "http", "https", "ftp", "s3", "gs", "ssh", "git")
def _split_all(path):
"""Split path into its atomic components.
Returns the shortest list, L, of strings such that posixpath.join(*L) ==
path and posixpath.split(element) == ('', element) for every element in L
except possibly the first. This first element may possibly have the value
of '/'.
result = []
a = path
old_a = None
while a != old_a:
(old_a, (a, b)) = a, posixpath.split(a)
if a or b:
result.insert(0, b or "/")
return result
def local_file_path(url):
"""Get a local file path from a url.
@ -92,151 +68,31 @@ def format(parsed_url):
return parsed_url.geturl()
def join(base_url, path, *extra, **kwargs):
"""Joins a base URL with one or more local URL path components
If resolve_href is True, treat the base URL as though it where the locator
of a web page, and the remaining URL path components as though they formed
a relative URL to be resolved against it (i.e.: as in posixpath.join(...)).
The result is an absolute URL to the resource to which a user's browser
would navigate if they clicked on a link with an "href" attribute equal to
the relative URL.
If resolve_href is False (default), then the URL path components are joined
as in posixpath.join().
Note: file:// URL path components are not canonicalized as part of this
operation. To canonicalize, pass the joined url to format().
base_url = 's3://bucket/index.html'
body = fetch_body(prefix)
link = get_href(body) # link == '../other-bucket/document.txt'
# wrong - link is a local URL that needs to be resolved against base_url
spack.util.url.join(base_url, link)
# correct - resolve local URL against base_url
spack.util.url.join(base_url, link, resolve_href=True)
prefix = ''
# wrong - prefix is just a URL prefix
spack.util.url.join(prefix, 'my-package', resolve_href=True)
# correct - simply append additional URL path components
spack.util.url.join(prefix, 'my-package', resolve_href=False) # default
# For canonicalizing file:// URLs, take care to explicitly differentiate
# between absolute and relative join components.
paths = [
(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x.geturl() for x in itertools.chain((base_url, path), extra)
paths = [convert_to_posix_path(x) for x in paths]
n = len(paths)
last_abs_component = None
scheme = ""
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
obj = urllib.parse.urlparse(paths[i], scheme="", allow_fragments=False)
scheme = obj.scheme
# in either case the component is absolute
if scheme or obj.path.startswith("/"):
if not scheme:
# Without a scheme, we have to go back looking for the
# next-last component that specifies a scheme.
for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1):
obj = urllib.parse.urlparse(paths[j], scheme="", allow_fragments=False)
if obj.scheme:
paths[i] = "{SM}://{NL}{PATH}".format(
NL=((obj.netloc + "/") if obj.scheme != "s3" else ""),
last_abs_component = i
if last_abs_component is not None:
paths = paths[last_abs_component:]
if len(paths) == 1:
result = urllib.parse.urlparse(paths[0], scheme="file", allow_fragments=False)
# another subtlety: If the last argument to join() is an absolute
# file:// URL component with a relative path, the relative path
# needs to be resolved.
if result.scheme == "file" and result.netloc:
result = urllib.parse.ParseResult(
path=posixpath.abspath(result.netloc + result.path),
return result.geturl()
return _join(*paths, **kwargs)
def _join(base_url, path, *extra, **kwargs):
base_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(base_url)
resolve_href = kwargs.get("resolve_href", False)
(scheme, netloc, base_path, params, query, _) = base_url
scheme = scheme.lower()
path_tokens = [
for part in itertools.chain(
itertools.chain.from_iterable(_split_all(extra_path) for extra_path in extra),
if part and part != "/"
base_path_args = ["/fake-root"]
if scheme == "s3":
if netloc:
if base_path.startswith("/"):
base_path = base_path[1:]
if resolve_href:
new_base_path, _ = posixpath.split(posixpath.join(*base_path_args))
base_path_args = [new_base_path]
base_path = posixpath.relpath(posixpath.join(*base_path_args), "/fake-root")
if scheme == "s3":
path_tokens = [part for part in _split_all(base_path) if part and part != "/"]
if path_tokens:
netloc = path_tokens.pop(0)
base_path = posixpath.join("", *path_tokens)
if sys.platform == "win32":
base_path = convert_to_posix_path(base_path)
return format(
scheme=scheme, netloc=netloc, path=base_path, params=params, query=query, fragment=None
def join(base: str, *components: str, resolve_href: bool = False, **kwargs) -> str:
"""Convenience wrapper around ``urllib.parse.urljoin``, with a few differences:
1. By default resolve_href=False, which makes the function like os.path.join: for example + c/d = If resolve_href=True, the
behavior is how a browser would resolve the URL:
2. s3:// and gs:// URLs are joined like http:// URLs.
3. It accepts multiple components for convenience. Note that components[1:] are treated as
literal path components and appended to components[0] separated by slashes."""
# Ensure a trailing slash in the path component of the base URL to get os.path.join-like
# behavior instead of web browser behavior.
if not resolve_href:
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(base)
if not parsed.path.endswith("/"):
base = parsed._replace(path=f"{parsed.path}/").geturl()
uses_netloc = urllib.parse.uses_netloc
uses_relative = urllib.parse.uses_relative
# NOTE: we temporarily modify urllib internals so s3 and gs schemes are treated like http.
# This is non-portable, and may be forward incompatible with future cpython versions.
urllib.parse.uses_netloc = [*uses_netloc, "s3", "gs"]
urllib.parse.uses_relative = [*uses_relative, "s3", "gs"]
return urllib.parse.urljoin(base, "/".join(components), **kwargs)
urllib.parse.uses_netloc = uses_netloc
urllib.parse.uses_relative = uses_relative
def default_download_filename(url: str) -> str: