132 lines
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132 lines
3.8 KiB
// Update boundary velocity for consistency with the flux
// Momentum equation
fvVectorMatrix UEqn
fvm::div(phi, U)
+ turbulence->divDevReff()
// Add MRF and porous sources implicitly. HJ, 18/Nov/2017
tmp<volTensorField> tTU;
if (addMRF || addPorosity)
tTU = tmp<volTensorField>
new volTensorField
dimensionedTensor("zero", dimless/dimTime, tensor::zero)
volTensorField& TU = tTU();
// Add implicit MRF source as a Hodge dual of the rotational velocity
TU += *mrfZones.omega();
// Add implicit resistance
pZones.addResistance(UEqn, TU);
trTU = inv(TU + tensor(I)*UEqn.A());
trAU = 1.0/UEqn.A();
// Under-relax momentum. Note this will destroy the H and A
// Insert momentum equation
UpEqn.insertEquation(0, UEqn);
if (addMRF || addPorosity)
// Manually over-ride the 3x3 block to handle the off-diagonal
// part of the Ap coefficient
const tensorField& TUIn = tTU().internalField();
CoeffField<vector4>::squareTypeField& DD = UpEqn.diag().asSquare();
const scalarField& V = mesh.V().field();
// Note: insertion should only happen in MRF and porous cell zones
// HJ, 14/Mar/2016
// Warning. Possible problem with a zone which is both MRF and porous
// The solution is to do the loop below everywhere
// Currently only inserting zones for efficiency. HJ, 18/Nov/2017
register label cellI;
forAll (mrfZones, mrfZoneI)
const labelList& curZoneCells = mrfZones[mrfZoneI].zone();
// Loop over all cells in the zone
forAll (curZoneCells, zcI)
cellI = curZoneCells[zcI];
const scalar& cellV = V[cellI];
const tensor& cellTU = TUIn[cellI];
CoeffField<vector4>::squareType& cellDD = DD[cellI];
cellDD(0, 0) += cellV*cellTU.xx();
cellDD(0, 1) += cellV*cellTU.xy();
cellDD(0, 2) += cellV*cellTU.xz();
cellDD(1, 0) += cellV*cellTU.yx();
cellDD(1, 1) += cellV*cellTU.yy();
cellDD(2, 2) += cellV*cellTU.yz();
cellDD(2, 0) += cellV*cellTU.zx();
cellDD(2, 1) += cellV*cellTU.zy();
cellDD(2, 2) += cellV*cellTU.zz();
forAll (pZones, pZoneI)
const labelList& curZoneCells = pZones[pZoneI].zone();
// Loop over all cells in the zone
forAll (curZoneCells, zcI)
cellI = curZoneCells[zcI];
const scalar& cellV = V[cellI];
const tensor& cellTU = TUIn[cellI];
CoeffField<vector4>::squareType& cellDD = DD[cellI];
cellDD(0, 0) += cellV*cellTU.xx();
cellDD(0, 1) += cellV*cellTU.xy();
cellDD(0, 2) += cellV*cellTU.xz();
cellDD(1, 0) += cellV*cellTU.yx();
cellDD(1, 1) += cellV*cellTU.yy();
cellDD(2, 2) += cellV*cellTU.yz();
cellDD(2, 0) += cellV*cellTU.zx();
cellDD(2, 1) += cellV*cellTU.zy();
cellDD(2, 2) += cellV*cellTU.zz();