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2013-12-11 16:09:41 +00:00

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========= |
\\ / F ield | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
\\ / O peration |
\\ / A nd | For copyright notice see file Copyright
\\/ M anipulation |
This file is part of foam-extend.
foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with foam-extend. If not, see <>.
#ifndef dieselEngineValve_H
#define dieselEngineValve_H
#include "word.H"
#include "coordinateSystem.H"
#include "polyPatchID.H"
#include "graph.H"
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
namespace Foam
// Class forward declarations
class polyMesh;
class engineTime;
Class dieselEngineValve Declaration
class dieselEngineValve
// Private data
//- Name of valve
word name_;
//- Reference to engine mesh
const polyMesh& mesh_;
//- Reference to engine database
const engineTime& engineDB_;
//- Coordinate system
autoPtr<coordinateSystem> csPtr_;
// Patch and zone names
//- Valve bottom patch
polyPatchID bottomPatch_;
//- Valve poppet patch
polyPatchID poppetPatch_;
//- Valve poppet patch
polyPatchID sidePatch_;
//- Valve stem patch
polyPatchID stemPatch_;
//- Valve curtain manifold patch
polyPatchID downInPortPatch_;
//- Valve curtain cylinder patch
polyPatchID downInCylinderPatch_;
//- Valve curtain manifold patch
polyPatchID upInPortPatch_;
//- Valve curtain cylinder patch
polyPatchID upInCylinderPatch_;
//- Valve detach in cylinder patch
polyPatchID detachInCylinderPatch_;
//- Valve detach in port patch
polyPatchID detachInPortPatch_;
//- Faces to detach
labelList detachFaces_;
//- detach tolerance
scalar detachTol_;
// Valve lift data
//- Valve lift profile
graph liftProfile_;
//- Lift curve start angle
scalar liftProfileStart_;
//- Lift curve end angle
scalar liftProfileEnd_;
//- Minimum valve lift. On this lift the valve is considered closed
const scalar minLift_;
//- Valve diameter
const scalar diameter_;
// Private Member Functions
//- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
dieselEngineValve(const dieselEngineValve&);
//- Disallow default bitwise assignment
void operator=(const dieselEngineValve&);
//- Adjust crank angle to drop within the limits of the lift profile
scalar adjustCrankAngle(const scalar theta) const;
// Static data members
// Constructors
//- Construct from components
const word& name,
const polyMesh& mesh,
const autoPtr<coordinateSystem>& valveCS,
const word& bottomPatchName,
const word& poppetPatchName,
const word& sidePatchName,
const word& stemPatchName,
const word& downInPortPatchName,
const word& downInCylinderPatchName,
const word& upInPortPatchName,
const word& upInCylinderPatchName,
const word& detachInCylinderPatchName,
const word& detachInPortPatchName,
const labelList& detachFaces,
const scalar& detachTol,
const graph& liftProfile,
const scalar minLift,
const scalar diameter
//- Construct from dictionary
const word& name,
const polyMesh& mesh,
const dictionary& dict
// Destructor - default
// Member Functions
//- Return name
const word& name() const
return name_;
//- Return coordinate system
const coordinateSystem& cs() const
return csPtr_();
//- Return lift profile
const graph& liftProfile() const
return liftProfile_;
//- Return valve diameter
scalar diameter() const
return diameter_;
// Valve patches
//- Return ID of bottom patch
const polyPatchID& bottomPatchID() const
return bottomPatch_;
//- Return ID of poppet patch
const polyPatchID& poppetPatchID() const
return poppetPatch_;
//- Return ID of side patch
const polyPatchID& sidePatchID() const
return sidePatch_;
//- Return ID of stem patch
const polyPatchID& stemPatchID() const
return stemPatch_;
//- Return ID of down surface in cylinder patch
const polyPatchID& downInCylinderPatchID() const
return downInCylinderPatch_;
//- Return ID of down surface in port patch
const polyPatchID& downInPortPatchID() const
return downInPortPatch_;
//- Return ID of up surface in cylinder patch
const polyPatchID& upInCylinderPatchID() const
return upInCylinderPatch_;
//- Return ID of up surface in port patch
const polyPatchID& upInPortPatchID() const
return upInPortPatch_;
//- Return ID of detach in cylinder patch
const polyPatchID& detachInCylinderPatchID() const
return detachInCylinderPatch_;
//- Return ID of detach in port patch
const polyPatchID& detachInPortPatchID() const
return detachInPortPatch_;
//- Return face labels of detach curtain
const labelList& detachFaces() const
return detachFaces_;
//- Return face labels of detach curtain
const scalar& detachTol() const
return detachTol_;
// Valve position and velocity
//- Return valve lift given crank angle in degrees
scalar lift(const scalar theta) const;
//- Is the valve open?
bool isOpen() const;
//- Return current lift
scalar curLift() const;
//- Return valve velocity for current time-step
scalar curVelocity() const;
//- Return list of active patch labels for the valve head
// (stem is excluded)
labelList movingPatchIDs() const;
//- Write dictionary
void writeDict(Ostream&) const;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
} // End namespace Foam
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
// ************************************************************************* //