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2016-08-25 23:14:44 +01:00
skel Build instructions and VagrantBoxes: Dropped dependency on binutils-dev(el), which was only needed for libiberty.a. 2016-08-25 23:14:44 +01:00
README Adapt vagrant-stuff for new version number 2015-08-24 20:54:44 +01:00

# -*- mode: org -*-
#+TITLE: Virtual machines for testing and Packaging
* Prerequisites
  These virtual machines require
  - VirtualBox :: for running from [[]]
  - Vagrant :: to automatically set them up from
               [[]] Make sure that you have at
               least version 1.5 to be able to use the base boxes from
  To make sure that for the boxes the have the newest
  VirtualBox-additions do
: vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
  This installs a plugin that tries to update the guest addition if
  they are for an older version of VirtualBox
* Starting
  A virtual machine is set up with
: vagrant up <machineName>
  will download a virtual machine image and set it up. It will then
  modify the image:
  - add packages required to compile OpenFOAM and package it
  - mount the directory of the sources
  - from this directory clone it to the local disc with mercurial or
    git (whatever the parent uses)
  One can then connect to the virtual machine with
: vagrant ssh <machinName>
  and will be in the =$HOME= directory of the user =vagrant= where in
  the directory =~/foam/foam-extend-3.2= the sources are
  available. Modifications can be pushed "outside" the virtual machine
: hg push
  There is also a symbolic link =~/foam/foam-extend-3.2-parent=
  to the sources if you want to edit there directly. Use with care
  and don't compile in that directory unless you know what you're
** Memory size and CPU-number
   The number of CPUs in the virtual machine is determined by (the
   first one that matches is used)
   * If the variable =WM_VAGRANT_CPUS= exists then the number of CPUs
     is set to this
   * If the variable =WM_NCOMPPROCS= is set then the number of CPUs is
     fixed with *half* that number (so that the virtual machine
     doesn't make the machine unuable)
   The amount of memory is set according to the number of CPUs:
   $(1+N)*512$ Megabytes. This should allow half a Gigabyte for the OS
   and half a Gigagbyte for each compiling process

   The hostname of the virtual machine is the hostname of the host
   machine prepended with =vagrant.=
* Virtual machines
  Currently existing virtual machines are
  - trusty :: Latest LTS 14.04 Ubuntu. Currently the default machine to use
  - prescise :: Previous LTS Ubuntu.
  - lucid :: Old LTS Ubuntu. Currently problems
             with automatic setting up (something with the
  - maverick :: Tries to fix the problems with the
                =lucid=-machine. Not yet working
  - centos65 :: A CentOS 6.5 machine with preinstalled development
  - freebsd92 :: FreeBSD 9.2 64-bit machine. Currently this machine
                 does not provision automatically. After the first
                 failure log in and do
  - centos70 :: A CentOS 7.0 machine with preinstalled development
: sudo pkg_add -r rsync
: sudo pkg_add -r bash
                 then halt the machine and bring it up again (with the
  - freebsd10 :: FreeBSD 10.0 32-big machine. Tries to set up shared
                 folders via NFS. Needs user interaction during
                 creation (password to get root privileges to
                 manipulate the =/etc/exports=-file to allow the
  - opensuse12 :: OpenSUSE 12.3 machine. Currently not completely
                  compiling Foam
  - opensuse13 ::  OpenSUSE 13.1 machine. The current LTS-version of
  - archlinux :: An ArchLinux-machine. Might take a long time during
                 provisioning as the script updated the full
  Some machines (read: the BSD-boxes) need the =VirtualBox Extension
  Pack= installed (because they have USB 2.0)
* Scripts in the machine
  In the home directory these scripts are found
  - :: A script whose aim it is to compile Foam and
       the ThirdParty-packages in one go (no paraview and QT). If this
       works the box is considered operational. The script leaves a
       log file =bootstrapFoam-log= in the home directory
  - :: Calls and then runs the
       =testHarness= in the =foam=-installation
* Provisioning scripts
  Every "family" of machines has a specific script that makes sure
  that the software packages necessary to compile =Foam= are installed
  into the machine. In the end these scripts should call which gets the sources into the machine. It
  needs =git=, =mercurial= and =ccache= for that.