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# =============================================================================
# Python module for writing OpenFOAM feature edge and triSurface files from
# within Salome platform.
# Tested on Salome 7.4.0 and python 2.7 on 64-bit Windows
# Author: Ivor Clifford <>
# =============================================================================
def foamHeader(className, objectName):
Return the OpenFOAM file header block as a string.
return '''/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\\
| ========= | |
| \\\\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\\\ / O peration | Version: 2.2.1 |
| \\\\ / A nd | Web: |
| \\\\/ M anipulation | |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class %s;
object %s;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
''' % (className, objectName)
class triSurf:
def __init__(self, object = None, allEdges = False):
Construct from the supplied Salome mesh.
object - the mesh object (must be a triangular surface mesh). If no
object is supplied, the current Salome selection is used.
allEdges - If true, all edges on the mesh are included as feature
edges, otherwise only edges contained in groups are included
NOTE: All face groups are assumed to represent patches. No face subsets
are written. All edge groups are added as feature edge subsets. All point
groups are added as point subsets.
# =============================================================================
# Initialize salome
import salome
from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import OrderedDict
# =============================================================================
# Get the Salome mesh object
if object is None:
selected =
if len(selected) != 1:
raise RuntimeError('A single Salome mesh object must be selected.')
object = salome.myStudy.FindObjectID(selected[0]).GetObject()
raise RuntimeError('Supplied object is not a Salome SMESH mesh.')
smesh = smeshBuilder.New(salome.myStudy)
mesh = smesh.Mesh(object)
print "Converting SMESH Mesh '%s'" % mesh.GetName()
# =============================================================================
# Get basic mesh info
nNodes = mesh.NbNodes()
nFaces = mesh.NbFaces()
nTris = mesh.NbTriangles()
nEdges = mesh.NbEdges()
nodeIds = mesh.GetNodesId()
faceIds = mesh.GetElementsByType(SMESH.FACE)
edgeIds = mesh.GetElementsByType(SMESH.EDGE)
# Check that mesh is strictly triangular
if nFaces != nTris:
raise RuntimeError('Mesh is not strictly triangular')
# Get patch and subset names & ids
# All SMESH.FACE groups are assumed to be patches
# All SMESH.EDGE groups are assumed to be feature subsets
# All SMESH.NODE groups are assumed to be point subsets
patches = OrderedDict()
pointSubsets = OrderedDict()
featureEdgeSubsets = OrderedDict()
for group in mesh.GetGroups():
if group.GetType() == SMESH.FACE:
patches[group.GetName()] = group.GetIDs()
elif group.GetType() == SMESH.EDGE:
featureEdgeSubsets[group.GetName()] = group.GetIDs()
elif group.GetType() == SMESH.NODE:
pointSubsets[group.GetName()] = group.GetIDs()
# =============================================================================
# Process faces and patches
# Get patchId for each face
lastPatchId = len(patches)
patchIds = [lastPatchId] * max(faceIds)
patchId = 0
for name, ids in patches.iteritems():
for faceId in ids:
if patchIds[faceId-1] == lastPatchId:
patchIds[faceId-1] = patchId
print "Face %d is assigned to both groups %s and %s" % (faceId, name, patches.keys()[patchIds[faceId-1]])
raise RuntimeError('Groups of faces are not unique, i.e. they overlap.')
patchId += 1
# Compact and reorder patchIds to match faceIds
patchIds = [patchIds[faceId-1] for faceId in faceIds]
# Reorder faces by increasing group id
faceAndpatchIds = sorted(zip(faceIds, patchIds), key=itemgetter(1))
faceIds, patchIds = zip(*faceAndpatchIds)
# Add unused faces to the default patch
defaultFaces = [faceId for faceId, patchId in faceAndpatchIds if patchId == lastPatchId]
if len(defaultFaces) > 0:
patches['defaultFaces'] = defaultFaces
defaultFaces = None
# =============================================================================
# Process feature edges
if not allEdges:
edgeIds = []
for name, ids in featureEdgeSubsets.iteritems():
edgeIds += ids
edgeIds = list(set(edgeIds))
nEdges = len(edgeIds)
# Reverse mapping of edge ids since they aren't necessarily numbered 1..nEdges
if len(edgeIds):
edgeMap = [-1] * max(edgeIds)
edgeMap = []
for edgeId in edgeIds:
edgeMap[edgeId-1] = i
i += 1
# =============================================================================
# Process nodes
# Reverse mapping of node ids since nodes aren't necessarily numbered 1..nNodes
nodeMap = [-1] * max(nodeIds)
for nodeId in nodeIds:
nodeMap[nodeId-1] = i
i += 1
# =============================================================================
self._mesh = mesh
self._nodeIds = nodeIds
self._edgeIds = edgeIds
self._faceIds = faceIds
self._nodeMap = nodeMap
self._edgeMap = edgeMap
self._faceMap = []
self._patches = patches
self._pointSubsets = pointSubsets
self._featureEdgeSubsets = featureEdgeSubsets
self._faceSubsets = {}
print 'Done'
def nNodes(self):
Return the number of nodes
return len(self._nodeIds)
def nEdges(self):
Return the number of edges
return len(self._edgeIds)
def nFacets(self):
Return the number of triangular facets
return len(self._faceIds)
def nPatches(self):
Return the number of patches
return len(self._patches)
def _writePatchDefs(self, f, typeName = 'wall'):
Write the patch definitions to file as an OpenFOAM geometricSurfacePatchList.
NOTE: All patches are assumed to be walls.
patches = self._patches
f.write('%d\n(\n' % len(patches))
for name in patches.iterkeys():
f.write('%s\t%s\n' % (name, typeName))
def _writeNodes(self, f):
Write the nodes to file as an OpenFOAM pointField.
mesh = self._mesh
nodeIds = self._nodeIds
f.write('%d\n(\n' % len(nodeIds))
for x, y, z in [mesh.GetNodeXYZ(nodeId) for nodeId in nodeIds]:
f.write( '( %g %g %g )\n' % (x, y, z))
def _writeFeatureEdges(self, f):
Write the feature edges to file as an OpenFOAM edgeList.
mesh = self._mesh
nodeMap = self._nodeMap
edgeIds = self._edgeIds
f.write('%d\n(\n' % len(edgeIds))
for edgeId in edgeIds:
nodes = mesh.GetElemNodes(edgeId)
f.write( '(' + ' '.join([str(nodeMap[nodeId-1]) for nodeId in nodes]) + ')\n')
def _writeFacets(self, f):
Write the facets to file as an OpenFOAM List of labelledTri.
from itertools import chain
mesh = self._mesh
nodeMap = self._nodeMap
patches = self._patches
f.write('%d\n(\n' % sum([len(patch) for patch in patches.itervalues()]))
patchId = 0
for patchId, (patchName, faceIds) in enumerate(patches.iteritems()):
for faceId in faceIds:
nodes = mesh.GetElemNodes(faceId)
f.write( '((' + ' '.join([str(nodeMap[nodeId-1]) for nodeId in nodes]) + ') %d)\n' % patchId)
def _writeSubsets(self, f, subsets, map, typeId):
General function to write a subset to file as an OpenFOAM Map<meshSubset>.
f.write('%d\n(\n' % len(subsets))
for name, ids in subsets.iteritems():
f.write('%s %s %d ( %s )\n' % (name, typeId, len(ids), ' '.join([str(map[id-1]) for id in ids])))
def _writePointSubsets(self, f):
Write the point subsets to file as and OpenFOAM Map<meshSubset>.
self._writeSubsets(f, self._pointSubsets, self._nodeMap, '2')
def _writeFaceSubsets(self, f):
Write the face subsets to file as and OpenFOAM Map<meshSubset>.
self._writeSubsets(f, self._faceSubsets, self._faceMap, '4')
def _writeFeatureEdgeSubsets(self, f):
Write the feature edge subsets to file as and OpenFOAM Map<meshSubset>.
self._writeSubsets(f, self._featureEdgeSubsets, self._edgeMap, '8')
def writeEdgeMesh(self, fileName):
Write to file as an OpenFOAM edgeMesh
fileName - The file name to write
# Create file
f = open(fileName, 'wb') # NOTE: file opened as binary to ensure unix-style line breaks
# Write header
f.write(foamHeader('edgeMesh', self._mesh.GetName()))
print 'edgeMesh written to %s' % fileName
def writeFtr(self, fileName):
Write to file as an OpenFOAM cfMesh FTR file
fileName - the file name to write
# Create file
f = open(fileName, 'wb') # NOTE: file opened as binary to ensure unix-style line breaks
print 'triSurf written to %s' % fileName
def writeFms(self, fileName):
Write to file as an OpenFOAM cfMesh FMS file
fileName - the file name to write
# Create file
f = open(fileName, 'wb') # NOTE: file opened as binary to ensure unix-style line breaks
print 'triSurf written to %s' % fileName
if __name__ == '__main__':
import salome