Star-CD uses a so-called 'cell table' to organize properties. The ccm and
star4 converters preserve this information as a Map of dictionaries under
"constant/cellTable" and as cell data under "constant/polyMesh/cellTableId".
The combination of both files allows subsequent creating of cellSets and
cellZones for any combination of properties (eg, porosities and solids).
Additionally, the reverse converters can use this information when
converting foam meshes back to the Star-CD formats.
The names of the dictionary elements (eg, Label, MaterialType, etc) are
chosen to match those used by the ccm-format.
Here is a sample dictionary entry:
<int> // unique positive int
Label <word>; // optional
MaterialType <word>; // optional (fluid|solid)
MaterialId <int>; // optional
PorosityId <int>; // optional
GroupId <int>; // optional
SpinId <int>; // optional