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2011-11-13 20:26:45 +01:00

979 lines
29 KiB

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM Extend Project: Open Source CFD |
| \\ / O peration | Version: 1.6-ext |
| \\ / A nd | Web: |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object controlDict;
// NB: the #functions do not work here
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
// for Macs: docBrowser "open %f";
docBrowser "kde-open %f";
BlockLduMatrix 1;
CircumferentialAveragingInterpolation 0;
mixingPlane 0;
MixingPlaneInterpolation 0;
overlapGgi 0;
cyclicGgi 0;
coupledLduMatrix 1;
Analytical 0;
APIdiffCoefFunc 0;
Ar 0;
BirdCarreau 0;
C10H22 0;
C12H26 0;
C13H28 0;
C14H30 0;
C16H34 0;
C2H5OH 0;
C2H6 0;
C2H6O 0;
C3H6O 0;
C3H8 0;
C4H10O 0;
C6H14 0;
C6H6 0;
C7H16 0;
C7H8 0;
C8H10 0;
C8H18 0;
C9H20 0;
CH3OH 0;
CH4N2O 0;
CarnahanStarling 0;
CallbackRegistry 0;
CentredFitData<biLinearFitPolynomial> 0;
CentredFitData<linearFitPolynomial> 0;
CentredFitData<quadraticFitPolynomial> 0;
CentredFitData<quadraticLinearFitPolynomial> 0;
ChomiakInjector 0;
Cloud<basicKinematicParcel> 0;
Cloud<basicReactingParcel> 0;
Cloud<basicThermoParcel> 0;
Cloud<indexedParticle> 0;
Cloud<parcel> 0;
Cloud<passiveParticle> 0;
Cloud<trackedParticle> 0;
CoEuler 0;
CompositionModel 0;
ConeInjection 0;
Constant 0;
ConstantRateDevolatilisation 0;
CrankNicholson 0;
CrossPowerLaw 0;
Cs 0;
DIC 0;
DICGaussSeidel 0;
DILUGaussSeidel 0;
DataEntry 0;
DeardorffDiffStress 0;
DispersionModel 0;
DispersionRASModel 0;
DragModel 0;
Ergun 0;
Euler 0;
EulerImplicit 0;
EulerRotation 0;
extendedCellToFaceStencil 0;
FaceCellWave 0;
GAMGAgglomeration 0;
GAMGInterface 0;
GAMGInterfaceField 0;
Gamma 0;
Gamma01 0;
GammaV 0;
Gauss 0;
GaussSeidel 0;
Gibilaro 0;
Gidaspow 0;
GidaspowErgunWenYu 0;
GidaspowSchillerNaumann 0;
ggi 0;
GradientDispersionRAS 0;
Gulders 0;
GuldersEGR 0;
H2O 0;
HashTable 0;
HeatTransferModel 0;
HerschelBulkley 0;
HrenyaSinclair 0;
IC8H18 0;
IDDESDelta 0;
IFstream 0;
IOMap<dictionary> 0;
IOPtrList<MRFZone> 0;
IOPtrList<coordinateSystem> 0;
IOPtrList<injector> 0;
IOPtrList<porousZone> 0;
IOobject 0;
InjectionModel 0;
IntegrationScheme 0;
JohnsonJackson 0;
KRR4 0;
KinematicCloud<basicKinematicParcel> 0;
KinematicCloud<basicReactingParcel> 0;
KinematicCloud<basicThermoParcel> 0;
KinematicParcel<basicReactingParcel> 0;
KinematicParcel<basicThermoParcel> 0;
LESModel 0;
LESdelta 0;
LESfilter 0;
LRR 0;
LRRDiffStress 0;
LamBremhorstKE 0;
LaunderGibsonRSTM 0;
LaunderSharmaKE 0;
LienCubicKE 0;
LienCubicKELowRe 0;
LienLeschzinerLowRe 0;
MB 0;
MC 0;
MCV 0;
MUSCL01 0;
ManualInjection 0;
MarshakRadiation 0;
MarshakRadiationFixedT 0;
MassTransferModel 0;
MeshWave 0;
Minmod 0;
MinmodV 0;
N2 0;
NSRDSfunc0 0;
NSRDSfunc1 0;
NSRDSfunc14 0;
NSRDSfunc2 0;
NSRDSfunc3 0;
NSRDSfunc4 0;
NSRDSfunc5 0;
NSRDSfunc6 0;
NSRDSfunc7 0;
Newtonian 0;
NoDispersion 0;
NoDrag 0;
NoHeatTransfer 0;
NoInjection 0;
NoMassTransfer 0;
NoSurfaceReaction 0;
NonlinearKEShih 0;
ODE 0;
ODESolver 0;
OFstream 0;
ORourke 0;
P1 0;
PBiCG 0;
PCG 0;
PackedList 0;
ParSortableList 0;
PatchToPatchInterpolation 0;
Phi 0;
PointEdgeWave 0;
Prandtl 0;
PrimitivePatch 0;
Pstream 0;
QZeta 0;
RASModel 0;
RK 0;
RNGkEpsilon 0;
RanzMarshall 0;
ReactingCloud<basicReactingParcel> 0;
ReactingParcel<basicReactingParcel> 0;
Rebound 0;
ReitzDiwakar 0;
ReitzKHRT 0;
RosinRammler 0;
RutlandFlashBoil 0;
SDA 0;
SHF 0;
SKA 0;
SRFModel 0;
SRFVelocity 0;
STARCDRotation 0;
Schaeffer 0;
SchillerNaumann 0;
SinclairJackson 0;
SingleKineticRateDevolatilisation 0;
SingleMixtureFraction 0;
Smagorinsky 0;
SpalartAllmaras 0;
SpalartAllmarasDDES 0;
SpalartAllmarasIDDES 0;
SphereDrag 0;
StandardWallInteraction 0;
StaticHashTable 0;
StochasticDispersionRAS 0;
SuperBee 0;
SuperBeeV 0;
SurfaceReactionModel 0;
Syamlal 0;
SyamlalOBrien 0;
SyamlalRogersOBrien 0;
TAB 0;
Table 0;
ThermoCloud<basicReactingParcel> 0;
ThermoCloud<basicThermoParcel> 0;
ThermoParcel<basicReactingParcel> 0;
ThermoParcel<basicThermoParcel> 0;
UpwindFitData<cubicUpwindFitPolynomial> 0;
UpwindFitData<quadraticLinearUpwindFitPolynomial> 0;
UpwindFitData<quadraticUpwindFitPolynomial> 0;
WallInteractionModel 0;
WenYu 0;
aC11H10 0;
absorptionEmissionModel 0;
addCell 0;
addFace 0;
addPatchCellLayer 0;
addPoint 0;
advective 0;
algebraicPair 0;
alphaContactAngle 0;
alphaFixedPressure 0;
alphatWallFunction 0;
angularOscillatingDisplacement 0;
angularOscillatingVelocity 0;
anisotropic 0;
ash 0;
atomizationModel 0;
attachDetach 0;
autoHexMeshDriver 0;
autoLayerDriver 0;
autoRefineDriver 0;
autoSnapDriver 0;
bC11H10 0;
backward 0;
basePatch 0;
basicKinematicCloud 0;
basicKinematicParcel 0;
basicMixture 0;
basicReactingCloud 0;
basicReactingParcel 0;
basicThermo 0;
basicThermoCloud 0;
basicThermoParcel 0;
biLinearFit 0;
binaryAbsorptionEmission 0;
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blobsSheetAtomization 0;
blobsSwirlInjector 0;
booleanSurface 0;
boundaryCutter 0;
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cellClassification 0;
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cellDistFuncs 0;
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chemistryReader 0;
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chemkinReader 0;
clippedLinear 0;
cloud 0;
cloudAbsorptionEmission 0;
cloudScatter 0;
collisionModel 0;
combineFaces 0;
commSchedule 0;
commonRailInjector 0;
compound 0;
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constant 0;
constantAbsorptionEmission 0;
constantAlphaContactAngle 0;
constantScatter 0;
coordinateRotation 0;
coordinateSystem 0;
coordinateSystems 0;
corrected 0;
coupled 0;
cubeRootVol 0;
cubic 0;
cubicUpwindFit 0;
curve 0;
cyclic 0;
cyclicLduInterface 0;
cyclicLduInterfaceField 0;
cylinderToCell 0;
cylindrical 0;
decompositionMethod 0;
definedHollowConeInjector 0;
definedInjector 0;
definedPressureSwirlInjector 0;
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diagonal 0;
dictionary 0;
dimensionSet 1;
directMappedBase 0;
directMappedPatch 0;
directMappedVelocityFlux 0;
directionMixed 0;
directional 0;
disallowGenericFvPatchField 0;
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disallowGenericPolyPatch 0;
dispersionLESModel 0;
dispersionModel 0;
dispersionRASModel 0;
displacementComponentLaplacian 0;
displacementInterpolation 0;
displacementLaplacian 0;
displacementSBRStress 0;
distanceSurface 0;
downwind 0;
dragModel 0;
duplicatePoints 0;
dx 0;
dynMixedSmagorinsky 0;
dynOneEqEddy 0;
dynSmagorinsky 0;
dynamicAlphaContactAngle 0;
dynamicFvMesh 0;
dynamicInkJetFvMesh 0;
dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh 0;
dynamicRefineFvMesh 0;
edgeIntersections 0;
edgeList 0;
edgeSurface 0;
empty 0;
engineMesh 0;
enrichedPatch 0;
epsilonWallFunction 0;
errorDrivenRefinement 0;
evaporationModel 0;
exponential 0;
extendedLeastSquares 0;
extendedLeastSquaresVectors 0;
faMesh 0;
face 0;
faceAreaPair 0;
faceCoupleInfo 0;
faceLimited 0;
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faceToPoint 0;
faceZone 0;
fan 0;
featureEdgeMesh 0;
fieldToCell 0;
file 0;
fileName 2;
filteredLinear 0;
filteredLinear2 0;
filteredLinear2V 0;
filteredLinear3 0;
filteredLinear3V 0;
fixedEnthalpy 0;
buoyantPressure 0;
fixedFluxBoussinesqBuoyantPressure 0;
fixedFluxPressure 0;
fixedGradient 0;
fixedInternalEnergy 0;
fixedInternalValue 0;
fixedNormalSlip 0;
fixedPressureCompressibleDensity 0;
fixedUnburntEnthalpy 0;
fixedValue 0;
flowRateInletVelocity 0;
fluxCorrectedVelocity 0;
foamChemistryReader 0;
foamFile 0;
forceCoeffs 0;
forces 0;
fourth 0;
freestream 0;
freestreamPressure 0;
frictionalStressModel 0;
functionObject 0;
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fvMeshDistribute 0;
fvMotionSolver 0;
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fvSchemes 0;
fvSphericalTensorMatrix 0;
fvSymmTensorMatrix 0;
fvTensorMatrix 0;
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general 0;
generic 0;
genericPatch 0;
geomCellLooper 0;
geometricSurfacePatch 0;
GGIInterpolation 0;
global 0;
globalMeshData 0;
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gnuplot 0;
gradientDispersionRAS 0;
gradientEnthalpy 0;
gradientInternalEnergy 0;
gradientUnburntEnthalpy 0;
granularPressureModel 0;
hCombustionThermo 0;
hMixtureThermo<dieselMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hMixtureThermo<homogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hMixtureThermo<homogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hMixtureThermo<inhomogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hMixtureThermo<inhomogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hMixtureThermo<multiComponentMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hMixtureThermo<reactingMixture> 0;
hMixtureThermo<veryInhomogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hMixtureThermo<veryInhomogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hThermo<pureMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hThermo<pureMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hThermo<pureMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
harmonic 0;
heatTransferModel 0;
hexCellLooper 0;
hexRef8 0;
hhuCombustionThermo 0;
hhuMixtureThermo<egrMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hhuMixtureThermo<egrMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hhuMixtureThermo<homogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hhuMixtureThermo<homogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hhuMixtureThermo<inhomogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hhuMixtureThermo<inhomogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hhuMixtureThermo<veryInhomogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hhuMixtureThermo<veryInhomogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
hierarchical 0;
hollowConeInjector 0;
iC3H8O 0;
indexedOctree 0;
indexedParticle 0;
injectorModel 0;
injectorType 0;
inletOutlet 0;
inletOutletTotalTemperature 0;
interfaceCompression 0;
intersectedSurface 0;
inverseDistance 0;
inverseFaceDistance 0;
inversePointDistance 0;
inverseVolume 0;
isoSurface 0;
isoSurfaceCell 0;
jplot 0;
jumpCyclic 0;
kEpsilon 0;
kOmega 0;
kOmegaSST 0;
kOmegaSSTSAS 0;
kqRWallFunction 0;
kinematicCloud 0;
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labelToCell 0;
labelToFace 0;
labelToPoint 0;
laminar 0;
laminarFlameSpeed 0;
laplace 0;
layerAdditionRemoval 0;
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lduInterface 0;
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lduMatrix 1;
lduMesh 0;
leastSquares 0;
leastSquaresVectors 0;
level 2;
limitWith 0;
limited 0;
limitedCubic 0;
limitedCubic01 0;
limitedCubicV 0;
limitedGamma 0;
limitedLimitedCubic 0;
limitedLimitedLinear 0;
limitedLinear 0;
limitedLinear01 0;
limitedLinearV 0;
limitedMUSCL 0;
limitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme 0;
limitedVanLeer 0;
linear 0;
linearFit 0;
linearUpwind 0;
linearUpwindV 0;
liquid 0;
locDynOneEqEddy 0;
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localMax 0;
localMin 0;
localPointRegion 0;
lowReOneEqEddy 0;
manual 0;
meshCutAndRemove 0;
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meshModifier 0;
meshRefinement 0;
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metis 0;
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mixed 0;
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mixedSmagorinsky 0;
mixedUnburntEnthalpy 0;
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modifyCell 0;
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motionDiffusivity 0;
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movingConeTopoFvMesh 0;
movingWallVelocity 0;
muSgsSpalartAllmarasWallFunction 0;
multiDirRefinement 0;
multiHoleInjector 0;
multivariateSelection 0;
mutRoughWallFunction 0;
mutSpalartAllmarasStandardRoughWallFunction 0;
mutSpalartAllmarasStandardWallFunction 0;
mutSpalartAllmarasWallFunction 0;
mutWallFunction 0;
nC3H8O 0;
nbrToCell 0;
nearestToCell 0;
nearestToPoint 0;
noAbsorptionEmission 0;
noDragModel 0;
noRadiation 0;
none 0;
normal 0;
normalToFace 0;
nuSgsSpalartAllmarasWallFunction 0;
nutRoughWallFunction 0;
nutSpalartAllmarasStandardRoughWallFunction 0;
nutSpalartAllmarasStandardWallFunction 0;
nutSpalartAllmarasWallFunction 0;
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postfixedSubRegistry 0;
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off 0;
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oneEqEddy 0;
orientedSurface 0;
oscillatingDisplacement 0;
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outletInlet 0;
outletStabilised 0;
pair 0;
parabolicCylindrical 0;
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partialSlip 0;
passiveParticle 0;
patch 0;
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pdf 0;
perfectInterface 0;
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pointPatchInterpolation 0;
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pointSymmTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
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pointVectorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
pointZone 0;
polyBoundaryMesh 0;
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polyTopoChange 0;
polyTopoChanger 0;
powerLaw 0;
pressureDirectedInletOutletVelocity 0;
pressureDirectedInletVelocity 0;
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pressureInletUniformVelocity 0;
pressureInletVelocity 0;
pressureNormalInletOutletVelocity 0;
pressureSwirlInjector 0;
primitiveMesh 0;
primitiveMeshGeometry 0;
probes 0;
processor 0;
processorLduInterface 0;
processorLduInterfaceField 0;
pureMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>> 0;
pureMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>> 0;
pureMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>> 0;
quadratic 0;
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quadraticLinearFit 0;
quadraticLinearUpwindFit 0;
quadraticUpwindFit 0;
radiationModel 0;
raw 0;
reactingCloud 0;
reaction 0;
realizableKE 0;
refinementHistory 0;
refinementIterator 0;
reflect 0;
regIOobject 0;
regionSplit 0;
regionToCell 0;
remove 0;
removeCell 0;
removeCells 0;
removeFace 0;
removeFaces 0;
removePoint 0;
removePoints 0;
reverseLinear 0;
rotatedBoxToCell 0;
rotatingPressureInletOutletVelocity 0;
rotatingTotalPressure 0;
sampledPatch 0;
sampledPlane 0;
sampledSet 0;
sampledSurface 0;
saturateEvaporationModel 0;
scalarAverageField 0;
scalarField 0;
scalarRange 0;
scaleSimilarity 0;
scatterModel 0;
searchableBox 0;
searchableSurface 0;
sequential 0;
setUpdater 0;
sets 0;
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shapeToCell 0;
simple 0;
skewCorrected 0;
skewCorrectionVectors 0;
sliced 0;
slidingInterface 0;
slip 0;
smooth 0;
smoothSolver 0;
solid 0;
solidBodyMotionFunction 0;
solidBodyMotionFvMesh 0;
solution 0;
spectEddyVisc 0;
sphereToCell 0;
spherical 0;
sphericalTensorAverageField 0;
sphericalTensorField 0;
standardDragModel 0;
standardEvaporationModel 0;
staticFvMesh 0;
steadyState 0;
stl 0;
string 0;
stochasticDispersionRAS 0;
supersonicFreestream 0;
surfaceFeatures 0;
surfaceInterpolation 0;
surfaceInterpolationScheme 0;
surfaceIntersection 0;
surfaceNormalFixedValue 0;
surfacePatch 0;
surfacePatchIOList 0;
surfaceScalarField 0;
surfaceScalarField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
surfaceSlipDisplacement 0;
surfaceSphericalTensorField 0;
surfaceSphericalTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
surfaceSymmTensorField 0;
surfaceSymmTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
surfaceTensorField 0;
surfaceTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
surfaceToCell 0;
surfaceToPoint 0;
surfaceVectorField 0;
surfaceVectorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
surfaceWriter 0;
surfaces 0;
swirlInjector 0;
symmTensorAverageField 0;
symmTensorField 0;
symmetryPlane 0;
syringePressure 0;
tensorAverageField 0;
tensorField 0;
thermoCloud 0;
thermophysicalFunction 0;
time 0;
timeVaryingAlphaContactAngle 0;
timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocity 0;
timeVaryingMappedFixedValue 0;
timeVaryingTotalPressure 0;
timeVaryingUniformFixedValue 0;
timer 0;
topoAction 0;
topoCellLooper 0;
topoChangerFvMesh 0;
topoSet 0;
topoSetSource 0;
toroidal 0;
totalPressure 0;
totalTemperature 0;
trackedParticle 0;
trajectory 0;
transform 0;
treeDataCell 0;
treeDataFace 0;
treeDataTriSurface 0;
treeLeaf 0;
treeNode 0;
triSurface 0;
triSurfaceMesh 0;
turbulenceModel 0;
turbulentHeatFluxTemperature 0;
turbulentInlet 0;
turbulentIntensityKineticEnergyInlet 0;
turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInlet 0;
turbulentMixingLengthFrequencyInlet 0;
uncorrected 0;
undoableMeshCutter 0;
uniform 0;
uniformFixedValue 0;
unitInjector 0;
upwind 0;
upwindCFCStencil 0;
value 0;
vanAlbada 0;
vanAlbadaV 0;
vanDriest 0;
vanLeer 0;
vanLeer01 0;
vanLeerV 0;
vector2DField 0;
vectorAverageField 0;
vectorField 0;
velocityComponentLaplacian 0;
velocityLaplacian 0;
viscosityModel 0;
volPointInterpolation 0;
volScalarField 0;
volScalarField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
volSphericalTensorField 0;
volSphericalTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
volSymmTensorField 0;
volSymmTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
volTensorField 0;
volTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
volVectorField 0;
volVectorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
vtk 0;
walkPatch 0;
wall 0;
wallHeatTransfer 0;
wallLayerCells 0;
wallModel 0;
waveTransmissive 0;
wedge 0;
weighted 0;
word 2;
writer 0;
xmgr 0;
zeroGradient 0;
zoneToCell 0;
zoneToFace 0;
zoneToPoint 0;
writePrecision 6;
writeJobInfo 0;
fileModificationSkew 10;
// commsType nonBlocking; //scheduled; //blocking;
commsType blocking; //scheduled;
floatTransfer 0;// Floating transfer not realiable
nProcsSimpleSum 0;
nSquaredProjection 0;
// nSquaredProjection 1;
// Multigrid clustering
mgMinClusterSize 2;
mgMaxClusterSize 8;
// Primitive mesh checking limits
primitiveMeshClosedThreshold 1e-6;
primitiveMeshAspectThreshold 1000;
primitiveMeshNonOrthThreshold 70;
primitiveMeshSkewThreshold 4;
primitiveMeshFaceAngleThreshold 10;
primitiveMeshFaceFlatnessThreshold 0.8;
// Geometric matching tolerances
patchFaceMatchTol 1e-4;
// Volumetric closed domain
closedDomainTol 1e-10;
// Patch-to-patch interpolation tolerances
patchToPatchDirectHit 1e-5;
patchToPatchProjectionTol 0.05;
// Thermophysical models
specieThermoTol 1e-4;
speciesThermoTJump 20;
speciesThermoMaxIter 100;
// Intersection tolerance
intersectionPlanarTol 0.2;
intersectionMissTol 1e-10;
// Sliding interface
// slidingPointMergeTol 0.2;
// slidingEdgeMergeTol 0.05;
// slidingIntegralAdjTol 0.15;
// slidingEdgeMasterCatchFraction 0.4;
// slidingEdgeEndCutoffTol 0.0001;
// slidingEdgeCoPlanarTol 0.8;
slidingPointMergeTol 0.2;
slidingEdgeMergeTol 0.01;
slidingIntegralAdjTol 0.05;
slidingEdgeMasterCatchFraction 0.4;
slidingEdgeEndCutoffTol 0.0001;
slidingEdgeCoPlanarTol 0.8;
// GGIAreaErrorTol 1e-8;
// SI units
//- Universal gas constant [J/(kmol K)]
R 8314.51;
//- Standard pressure [Pa]
Pstd 1.0e5;
//- Standard temperature [K]
Tstd 298.15;
//- Stefan-Boltzmann constant [J/(K4 m2 s)]
sigmaSB sigmaSB [1 0 -3 -4 0 0 0] 5.670e-08;
/* USCS units
//- Universal gas constant [lbm ft2/(s2 kmol R)]
R 3406.78;
//- Standard pressure [lbm/(ft2)]
Pstd 2088.6;
//- Standard temperature [degR]
Tstd 536.67;
//- Stefan-Boltzmann constant [lbm /(degR4 ft s)]
sigmaSB sigmaSB [1 0 -3 -4 0 0 0] 8.2292e-08;
// ************************************************************************* //