//void volPointInterpolation::makeBoundaryAddressing() const //{ // Go through all patches and mark up the external edge points labelHashSet pointsCorrectionMap(max(mesh.nPoints()/10, 100)); const fvBoundaryMesh& bm = mesh.boundary(); forAll (bm, patchI) { // If the patch is empty, skip it // If the patch is coupled, and there are no cyclic parallels, skip it if ( !isA(bm[patchI]) && !( bm[patchI].coupled() //&& Pstream::parRun() //&& !mesh.parallelData().cyclicParallel() ) ) { const labelList& bp = bm[patchI].patch().boundaryPoints(); const labelList& meshPoints = bm[patchI].patch().meshPoints(); forAll (bp, pointI) { pointsCorrectionMap.insert(meshPoints[bp[pointI]]); } } } // Grab the points to correct //boundaryPointsPtr_ = new labelList(pointsCorrectionMap.toc()); //labelList& ptc = *boundaryPointsPtr_; labelList ptc(pointsCorrectionMap.toc()); sort(ptc);