# create a plugin that adds a reader to the ParaView GUI # it is added in the file dialog when doing opens/saves. # The qrc file is processed by Qt's resource compiler (rcc) # the qrc file must have a resource prefix of "/ParaViewResources" # and ParaView will read anything contained under that prefix # the pqReader.xml file contains xml defining readers with their # file extensions and descriptions. # # We a little hack here to support cmake and wmake-compiled FOAM # libraries simultaneously. This uses the same trigger as externally # compiled applications (FOAM_FOUND) # if(NOT FOAM_FOUND) # Config when compiling FOAM library with wmake cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4) if(COMMAND cmake_policy) cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) endif(COMMAND cmake_policy) FIND_PACKAGE(ParaView REQUIRED) INCLUDE(${PARAVIEW_USE_FILE}) LINK_DIRECTORIES( $ENV{FOAM_LIBBIN} ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( $ENV{WM_PROJECT_DIR}/src/foam/lnInclude $ENV{WM_PROJECT_DIR}/src/OSspecific/$ENV{WM_OSTYPE}/lnInclude $ENV{WM_PROJECT_DIR}/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../vtkPVFoam ) ADD_DEFINITIONS( -std=c++11 -DWM_$ENV{WM_PRECISION_OPTION} -DWM_LABEL_SIZE=$ENV{WM_LABEL_SIZE} ) # Set output library destination to plugin folder SET( LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH $ENV{PV_PLUGIN_PATH} CACHE INTERNAL "Single output directory for building all libraries." ) else() # Config when compiling FOAM library with cmake INCLUDE(${PARAVIEW_USE_FILE}) endif() # Build the server-side plugin ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN( PVFoamReader_SM "1.0" SERVER_MANAGER_XML PVFoamReader_SM.xml SERVER_MANAGER_SOURCES vtkPVFoamReader.cxx ) if(NOT FOAM_FOUND) # Config when compiling FOAM library with wmake TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( PVFoamReader_SM foam finiteVolume vtkPVFoam pqCore ) else() # Config when compiling FOAM library with cmake TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( PVFoamReader_SM PUBLIC vtkPVFoam pqCore ) endif() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------