/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ ========= | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox \\ / O peration | \\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Hrvoje Jasak \\/ M anipulation | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License This file is part of OpenFOAM. OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Description A pair of surfaces in contact. \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "contactPatchPair.H" #include "contactProblem.H" // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // Construct from dictionary Foam::contactPatchPair::contactPatchPair ( const word& name, contactProblem& cp, const dictionary& dict ) : contactActive_(dict.lookup("contactActive")), name_(name), cp_(cp), alg_(intersection::algorithmNames_.read(dict.lookup("projectionAlgo"))), dir_(intersection::directionNames_.read(dict.lookup("projectionDir"))), masterPatch_(dict.lookup("masterPatch"), cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()), slavePatch_(dict.lookup("slavePatch"), cp.mesh().boundaryMesh()), contactGapTol_(readScalar(dict.lookup("contactGapTol"))), penaltyScaleFactor_(readScalar(dict.lookup("penaltyScaleFactor"))), returnScaleFactor_(readScalar(dict.lookup("returnScaleFactor"))), contactIterNum_(0), contactFilePtr_(NULL), slaveFaceZoneName_(slavePatch_.name() + "FaceZone"), masterFaceZoneName_(masterPatch_.name() + "FaceZone"), slavePointZoneName_(slavePatch_.name() + "PointZone"), totalSlavePointForce_( cp_.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()].pointNormals().size(), vector::zero), // IOobject // ( // "totalSlavePointForce", // cp_.mesh().time().timeName(), // cp_.mesh(), // IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, // IOobject::AUTO_WRITE // ), // vectorField(cp_.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()].pointNormals().size(), vector::zero) // ), slavePointPenetration_ ( cp_.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()].pointNormals().size(), 0.0 ), masterPointPenetration_ ( cp_.mesh().boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()].pointNormals().size(), 0.0 ), globalSlavePointPenetration_ ( cp_.mesh().pointZones()[cp_.mesh().faceZones().findZoneID(slaveFaceZoneName_)].size(), 0.0 ), globalMasterPointPenetration_ ( cp_.mesh().pointZones()[cp_.mesh().faceZones().findZoneID(masterFaceZoneName_)].size(), 0.0 ), oldTotalSlavePointForce_ ( cp_.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()].pointNormals().size(), vector::zero ), oldMinSlavePointPenetration_(0.0), penetrationLimit_(readScalar(dict.lookup("penetrationLimit"))), rigidMaster_(dict.lookup("rigidMaster")), interpolationMethod_(dict.lookup("interpolationMethod")), faceZoneMasterToSlaveInterpolator_ ( cp_.mesh().faceZones()[cp_.mesh().faceZones().findZoneID(masterFaceZoneName_)](), // from cp_.mesh().faceZones()[cp_.mesh().faceZones().findZoneID(slaveFaceZoneName_)](), // to zone alg_, dir_ ), faceZoneSlaveToMasterInterpolatorPtr_(NULL), faceZoneGgiInterpolatorPtr_(NULL), slaveInterpolator_(cp_.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()]) { Info << "\tConstructing contact patch pair" << "\n\t\tmaster patch:\t" << masterPatch_.name() << "\n\t\tslave patch:\t" << slavePatch_.name() << endl; if(rigidMaster_) Info << "\t\tThe master surface is considered rigid and is set as traction-free" << endl; //- Check interpolation scheme for passing tractions from slave to master if(interpolationMethod_ == "patchToPatch") { Info << "\t\tMethod for interpolation of traction from slave to master: patchToPatch" << endl; label masterFaceZoneID = cp_.mesh().faceZones().findZoneID(masterFaceZoneName_); label slaveFaceZoneID = cp_.mesh().faceZones().findZoneID(slaveFaceZoneName_); faceZoneSlaveToMasterInterpolatorPtr_ = new zoneToZoneInterpolation ( cp_.mesh().faceZones()[slaveFaceZoneID](), // from zone cp_.mesh().faceZones()[masterFaceZoneID](), // to zone alg_, dir_ ); } else if(interpolationMethod_ == "ggi") { Info << "\t\tMethod for interpolation of traction from slave to master: ggi" << endl; label masterFaceZoneID = cp_.mesh().faceZones().findZoneID(masterFaceZoneName_); label slaveFaceZoneID = cp_.mesh().faceZones().findZoneID(slaveFaceZoneName_); faceZoneGgiInterpolatorPtr_ = new ggiZoneInterpolation ( cp_.mesh().faceZones()[masterFaceZoneID](), // master zone cp_.mesh().faceZones()[slaveFaceZoneID](), // slave zone tensorField(0), tensorField(0), vectorField(0), 0.0, 0.0, true, ggiInterpolation::AABB ); } else { SeriousError << "\n\nTraction interpolation method '" << interpolationMethod_ << "' not found!\n" << "\nValid interpolation methods are:\n" << "ggi\n" << "patchToPatch" << endl << exit(FatalError); } //- only the master should create a contactInfo file if(Pstream::master()) { contactFilePtr_ = new OFstream(name_); OFstream& contactFile = *contactFilePtr_; int width = 20; contactFile << "Time"; contactFile.width(width); contactFile << "ContactIter"; contactFile.width(width); contactFile << "PenaltyScale"; contactFile.width(width); contactFile << "slaveContactVer"; contactFile.width(width); contactFile << "penetration"; contactFile.width(width); contactFile << "slaveVerReduce"; contactFile.width(width); contactFile << "maxSlaveTrac" << endl; } Info << "\tContact patch pair constructed" << endl; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * // Foam::tmp Foam::contactPatchPair::masterTouchFraction() const { //--DOES NOT WORK IN PARALLEL YET BUT IS ONLY FOR VISUALISATION--/ const fvMesh& mesh = cp_.mesh(); scalarField pDistToInter(cp_.mesh().boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()].size(), 0.0); // = slaveToMasterInterpolateDeformed.pointDistanceToIntersection(); scalarField vertexMasterGap = pDistToInter; // Calculate area in contact const faceList& masterPatchLocalFaces = mesh.boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()].localFaces(); const pointField& masterPatchLocalPoints = mesh.boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()].localPoints(); tmp ttouchFrac ( new scalarField(masterPatchLocalFaces.size(), 0) ); scalarField& touchFrac = ttouchFrac(); forAll (masterPatchLocalFaces, faceI) { touchFrac[faceI] = masterPatchLocalFaces[faceI].areaInContact ( masterPatchLocalPoints, vertexMasterGap ); } return ttouchFrac; } Foam::tmp Foam::contactPatchPair::slaveTouchFraction() const { //--DOES NOT WORK IN PARALLEL YET BUT IS ONLY FOR VISUALISATION--/ const fvMesh& mesh = cp_.mesh(); scalarField vertexSlaveGap = slavePointPenetration_; // (cp_.mesh().boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()].size(), 0.0); // Calculate area in contact const faceList& slavePatchLocalFaces = mesh.boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()].localFaces(); const pointField& slavePatchLocalPoints = mesh.boundaryMesh()[slavePatch_.index()].localPoints(); tmp ttouchFrac ( new scalarField(slavePatchLocalFaces.size(), 0) ); scalarField& touchFrac = ttouchFrac(); forAll (slavePatchLocalFaces, faceI) { touchFrac[faceI] = slavePatchLocalFaces[faceI].areaInContact ( slavePatchLocalPoints, vertexSlaveGap ); } return ttouchFrac; } Foam::tmp Foam::contactPatchPair::masterGapPoints() const { scalarField globalMasterPointPenetration ( cp_.mesh().boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()].meshPoints().size(), 0.0 ); scalarField vertexMasterGap = masterPointPenetration_; //globalMasterPointPenetration; tmp tcontactGapPoints ( new scalarField(vertexMasterGap.size(), 0) ); scalarField& contactGapPoints = tcontactGapPoints(); forAll (vertexMasterGap, pointI) { contactGapPoints[pointI] = vertexMasterGap[pointI]; } return tcontactGapPoints; } Foam::tmp Foam::contactPatchPair::slaveGapPoints() const { const scalarField& slavePointPenetration = slavePointPenetration_; tmp tcontactGapPoints ( new scalarField(slavePointPenetration.size(), 0) ); scalarField& contactGapPoints = tcontactGapPoints(); forAll (slavePointPenetration, pointI) { contactGapPoints[pointI] = slavePointPenetration[pointI]; } return tcontactGapPoints; } Foam::tmp Foam::contactPatchPair::masterPointForce() const { //- returns zero at the moment vectorField masterPointForce ( cp_.mesh().boundaryMesh()[masterPatch_.index()].meshPoints().size(), vector::zero ); tmp tcontactPointForce ( new vectorField(masterPointForce.size(), vector::zero) ); vectorField& contactPointForce = tcontactPointForce(); forAll (contactPointForce, pointI) { contactPointForce[pointI] = masterPointForce[pointI]; } return tcontactPointForce; } Foam::tmp Foam::contactPatchPair::slavePointForce() const { vectorField slavePointForce = totalSlavePointForce_; tmp tcontactPointForce ( new vectorField(slavePointForce.size(), vector::zero) ); vectorField& contactPointForce = tcontactPointForce(); forAll (contactPointForce, pointI) { contactPointForce[pointI] = slavePointForce[pointI]; } return tcontactPointForce; } Foam::tmp Foam::contactPatchPair::masterContactPressure() const { const fvMesh& mesh = cp_.mesh(); vectorField n = mesh.boundary()[masterPatch_.index()].nf(); const volSymmTensorField& sigma = mesh.objectRegistry::lookupObject("sigma"); scalarField masterPressure = n & (n & sigma.boundaryField()[masterPatch_.index()]); tmp tcontactPressure ( new scalarField(masterPressure.size(), 0) ); scalarField& contactPressure = tcontactPressure(); forAll (masterPressure, faceI) { contactPressure[faceI] = max(-1*masterPressure[faceI],0); } return tcontactPressure; } Foam::tmp Foam::contactPatchPair::slaveContactPressure() const { const fvMesh& mesh = cp_.mesh(); vectorField n = mesh.boundary()[slavePatch_.index()].nf(); const volSymmTensorField& sigma = mesh.objectRegistry::lookupObject("sigma"); scalarField slavePressure = n & (n & sigma.boundaryField()[slavePatch_.index()]); tmp tcontactPressure ( new scalarField(slavePressure.size(), 0) ); scalarField& contactPressure = tcontactPressure(); forAll (slavePressure, faceI) { contactPressure[faceI] = max(-1*slavePressure[faceI],0); } return tcontactPressure; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Operators * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friend Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friend Operators * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // ************************************************************************* //