/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ correctGlobalFaceZoneMesh.H When there is a globalFaceZone and the mesh is moved by interpolating U to the vertices with volPointInterpolation, then there are two problems: -some points on the patch with the faceZone are moved incorrectly, I think it is because the faceZone has no U and causes an incorrect interpolation, -the faceZones points not on the proc cells are not moved at all because they have no U. So the points on the patch with the faceZone need to be fixed and also all the faceZone points need to be moved and synchronised so each proc has the same full faceZone mesh. The mapping of procs faceZone order of points to the master procs faceZone point order is kept in procToGlobalFZmap, which is calculated at the start of the run in the createGlobalToLocalFaceZonePointMap.H header file. Note: DU is used for updated Lagrangian solver instead of U philipc \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //- this is only needed in a parallel runs if(Pstream::parRun()) { //***** FIX INCORRECT POINT ON PATCHES WITH FACEZONE *****// contactPatchPairList& contacts = contact; forAll(contacts, contactI) { label masterID = contacts[contactI].masterPatch().index(); label slaveID = contacts[contactI].slavePatch().index(); primitivePatchInterpolation masterInterpolator ( mesh.boundaryMesh()[masterID] ); primitivePatchInterpolation slaveInterpolator ( mesh.boundaryMesh()[slaveID] ); //- U must be interpolated to the vertices, this ignores the faceZone //- points with no U (unlike volPointInterpolation) vectorField correctMasterPointU = masterInterpolator.faceToPointInterpolate ( U.boundaryField()[masterID] ); vectorField correctSlavePointU = slaveInterpolator.faceToPointInterpolate ( U.boundaryField()[slaveID] ); vectorField oldMasterPoints = mesh.boundaryMesh()[masterID].localPoints(); vectorField oldSlavePoints = mesh.boundaryMesh()[slaveID].localPoints(); labelList masterPointLabels = mesh.boundaryMesh()[masterID].meshPoints(); labelList slavePointLabels = mesh.boundaryMesh()[slaveID].meshPoints(); //- correct the patch newPoints forAll(masterPointLabels, pointI) { label pointGlobalLabel = masterPointLabels[pointI]; newPoints[pointGlobalLabel] = oldMasterPoints[pointI] + correctMasterPointU[pointI]; } forAll(slavePointLabels, pointI) { label pointGlobalLabel = slavePointLabels[pointI]; newPoints[pointGlobalLabel] = oldSlavePoints[pointI] + correctSlavePointU[pointI]; } } //***** NOW FIX AND SYNCHRONISE ALL THE FACEZONE POINTS *****// forAll(mesh.faceZones(), faceZoneI) { //- find the patch corresponding to this faceZone //- assuming that the FZ is called FaceZone string faceZoneName = mesh.faceZones().names()[faceZoneI]; //- remove the string FaceZone from the end of the face zone name to get the patch name string patchName = faceZoneName.substr(0, (faceZoneName.size()-8)); label patchID = mesh.boundaryMesh().findPatchID(patchName); if(patchID == -1) { FatalError << "Patch " << patchName << " not found corresponding for faceZone" << faceZoneName << exit(FatalError); } vectorField globalFZpoints = mesh.faceZones()[faceZoneI]().localPoints(); //- new points for the face zone vectorField globalFZnewPoints(globalFZpoints.size(), vector::zero); //- inter-proc points are shared by multiple procs //- pointNumProc is the number of procs which a point lies on scalarField pointNumProcs(globalFZpoints.size(), 0.0); forAll(globalFZnewPoints, globalPointI) { label localPoint = procToGlobalFZmap[faceZoneI][globalPointI]; //if(localPoint < mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchID].localPoints().size()) if(pointOnLocalProcPatch[faceZoneI][localPoint]) { label procPoint = mesh.faceZones()[faceZoneI]().meshPoints()[localPoint]; globalFZnewPoints[globalPointI] = newPoints[procPoint]; pointNumProcs[globalPointI] = 1; } } reduce(globalFZnewPoints, sumOp()); reduce(pointNumProcs, sumOp()); //- now average the newPoints between all procs if(min(pointNumProcs) < 1) { FatalError << "pointNumProc has not been set for all points" << exit(FatalError); } globalFZnewPoints /= pointNumProcs; //- the globalFZnewPoints now contains the correct FZ new points in //- a global order, now convert them back into the local proc order vectorField procFZnewPoints(globalFZpoints.size(), vector::zero); forAll(globalFZnewPoints, globalPointI) { label localPoint = procToGlobalFZmap[faceZoneI][globalPointI]; procFZnewPoints[localPoint] = globalFZnewPoints[globalPointI]; } //- now fix the newPoints points on the globalFaceZones labelList procFZmeshPoints = mesh.faceZones()[faceZoneI]().meshPoints(); forAll(procFZmeshPoints, pointI) { label procPoint = procFZmeshPoints[pointI]; newPoints[procPoint] = procFZnewPoints[pointI]; } } }