//--------------------------------------------------// //- move mesh //--------------------------------------------------// if(min(J.internalField()) > 0) { Info << "Move solid mesh using inverse distance interpolation" << endl; // Create point mesh pointMesh pMesh(mesh); // Create point interpolation volPointInterpolation pointInterpolation(mesh); wordList types ( pMesh.boundary().size(), calculatedFvPatchVectorField::typeName ); pointVectorField pointDU ( IOobject ( "pointDU", runTime.timeName(), mesh ), pMesh, dimensionedVector("zero", dimLength, vector::zero), types ); // Calculate mesh points displacement pointInterpolation.interpolate(DU, pointDU); //- correct edge interpolation //- this is the stuff from edgeCorrectedVolPointInterpolation but //- that class no longer works # include "performEdgeCorrectedVolPointInterpolation.H" const vectorField& pointDUI = pointDU.internalField(); //- see the effect of correctBCs // Move mesh vectorField newPoints = mesh.allPoints(); forAll (pointDUI, pointI) { newPoints[pointI] += pointDUI[pointI]; } twoDPointCorrector twoDCorrector(mesh); twoDCorrector.correctPoints(newPoints); mesh.movePoints(newPoints); mesh.V00(); mesh.moving(false); } else { FatalErrorIn(args.executable()) << "Negative Jacobian" << exit(FatalError); }