//process this file using: m4 -P blockMeshDict.m4 > blockMeshDict //m4 definitions ----------------------------- //Geometry ----------------------------------- // 2 planes levels // Angle span for inner block // Angle span for outer block // Radial dimensions // Mesh parameters FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object blockMeshDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // convertToMeters 1; vertices ( //Plane A: //Bottom of curved block (0.499999999999998 0.86602540378444 0.0) // Vertex A0 = 0 (0.999999999999996 1.73205080756888 0.0) // Vertex A1 = 1 (-0.866025403784436 0.500000000000004 0.0) // Vertex A2 = 2 (-1.73205080756887 1.00000000000001 0.0) // Vertex A3 = 3 //Plane B: //Top of curved block (0.499999999999998 0.86602540378444 0.1) // Vertex B0 = 4 (0.999999999999996 1.73205080756888 0.1) // Vertex B1 = 5 (-0.866025403784436 0.500000000000004 0.1) // Vertex B2 = 6 (-1.73205080756887 1.00000000000001 0.1) // Vertex B3 = 7 //Plane A: Bottom of straight block (1.99238939618349 0.174311485495316 0.0) // Vertex B4 = 8 (2.98858409427524 0.261467228242975 0.0) // Vertex B5 = 9 (1.50941916044554 1.31211805798101 0.0) // Vertex B6 = 10 (2.26412874066832 1.96817708697152 0.0) // Vertex B7 = 11 //Plane B: Top of straight block (1.99238939618349 0.174311485495316 0.1) // Vertex C0 = 12 (2.98858409427524 0.261467228242975 0.1) // Vertex C1 = 13 (1.50941916044554 1.31211805798101 0.1) // Vertex C2 = 14 (2.26412874066832 1.96817708697152 0.1) // Vertex C3 = 15 ); blocks ( hex ( 0 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 ) (25 17 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1.0) hex ( 8 9 11 10 12 13 15 14 ) (25 27 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1.0) ); edges ( // --- PLANE A: Bottom of curved block arc 0 2 (-0.25881904510252 0.965925826289069 0.0) arc 1 3 (-0.517638090205039 1.93185165257814 0.0) // --- PLANE B: Top of curved block arc 4 6 (-0.25881904510252 0.965925826289069 0.1) arc 5 7 (-0.517638090205039 1.93185165257814 0.1) // --- PLANE A: Bottom of straight block arc 8 10 (1.84100970690488 0.781462256978547 0.0) arc 9 11 (2.76151456035732 1.17219338546782 0.0) // --- PLANE B: Top of straight block arc 12 14 (1.84100970690488 0.781462256978547 0.1) arc 13 15 (2.76151456035732 1.17219338546782 0.1) ); patches ( patch outflow ( ( 9 11 15 13 ) ) patch inflow ( ( 0 4 6 2 ) ) cyclicGgi upstreamPerio1 ( (8 9 13 12) ) cyclicGgi upstreamPerio2 ( (10 14 15 11) ) mixingPlane upstreamMixingPlanePatch ( ( 8 12 14 10 ) ) mixingPlane downstreamMixingPlanePatch ( ( 1 3 7 5 ) ) symmetryPlane downstreamWall ( ( 0 2 3 1 ) ( 4 5 7 6 ) ) symmetryPlane upstreamWall ( ( 13 15 14 12) (8 10 11 9) ) cyclicGgi downstreamPerio1 ( (0 1 5 4) ) cyclicGgi downstreamPerio2 ( (2 6 7 3) ) ); mergePatchPairs ( );