# # Automatic residual plot by # Håkan Nilsson, Omar Bounous, Maryse Page and Martin Beaudoin # set output 'residuals.png' set terminal png medium #set output 'residuals.eps' #set term postscript color # color #set term postscript # black and white set autoscale set noarrow set nolabel set nogrid set grid set logscale y set xlabel 'Iteration' set ylabel 'Residual' set title 'Case1.1' # plot \ "logs/Ux_0" \ title "Ux_0" with lines linewidth 2 \ , \ "logs/Uy_0" \ title "Uy_0" with lines linewidth 2 \ , \ "logs/Uz_0" \ title "Uz_0" with lines linewidth 2 \ , \ "logs/p_0" \ title "p_0" with lines linewidth 2 \ , \ "logs/k_0" \ title "k_0" with lines linewidth 2 \ , \ "logs/epsilon_0" \ title "epsilon_0" with lines linewidth 2 \