Switch solidInterfaceCorr(false); solidInterfaceNonLin* solidInterfacePtr(nullptr); { const dictionary& stressControl = mesh.solutionDict().subDict("solidMechanics"); solidInterfaceCorr = Switch(stressControl.lookup("solidInterface")); if(solidInterfaceCorr) { Info << "Creating solid interface nonlinear correction" << endl; solidInterfacePtr = new solidInterfaceNonLin(mesh, rheology); solidInterfacePtr->modifyProperties(muf, lambdaf); //- solidInterface needs muf and lambdaf to be used for divDSigmaExp if(divDSigmaExpMethod != "surface" && divDSigmaExpMethod != "decompose") { FatalError << "divDSigmaExp must be decompose or surface when solidInterface is on" << exit(FatalError); } if(divDSigmaLargeStrainExpMethod != "surface") { FatalError << "divDSigmaLargeStrainExp must be surface when solidInterface is on" << exit(FatalError); } } }