mkDir(runTime.path()/"positions"/runTime.timeName()); OFstream positionsFile ( runTime.path() /"positions" /runTime.timeName() /"leftAndRightPosition" ); positionsFile << "Time" << tab; positionsFile << "Left" << tab << "Right" << endl; // Find left and right point label in the patch localPoints field const pointField& locPoints = mesh.boundaryMesh()[interface.aPatchID()].localPoints(); label leftPointLabel = -1; label rightPointLabel = -1; forAll(locPoints, pointI) { if(leftPointLabel == -1 || rightPointLabel == -1) { if(mag(locPoints[pointI].x()) < SMALL) { leftPointLabel = pointI; } else if(mag(locPoints[pointI].x() - 1.0) < SMALL) { rightPointLabel = pointI; } } } if(leftPointLabel == -1 || rightPointLabel == -1) { Info << "Can't find left and right points labels!"; return 0; } // scalar dissipation = 0.0;