#include #include #include #include "vector.h" float sqr(float a) {return a*a;} // vector (floating point) implementation float magnitude(Vector v) { return float(sqrt(sqr(v.x) + sqr( v.y)+ sqr(v.z))); } Vector normalize(Vector v) { float d=magnitude(v); if (d==0) { printf("Cant normalize ZERO vector\n"); assert(0); d=0.1f; } v.x/=d; v.y/=d; v.z/=d; return v; } Vector operator+(Vector v1,Vector v2) {return Vector(v1.x+v2.x,v1.y+v2.y,v1.z+v2.z);} Vector operator-(Vector v1,Vector v2) {return Vector(v1.x-v2.x,v1.y-v2.y,v1.z-v2.z);} Vector operator-(Vector v) {return Vector(-v.x,-v.y,-v.z);} Vector operator*(Vector v1,float s) {return Vector(v1.x*s,v1.y*s,v1.z*s);} Vector operator*(float s, Vector v1) {return Vector(v1.x*s,v1.y*s,v1.z*s);} Vector operator/(Vector v1,float s) {return v1*(1.0f/s);} float operator^(Vector v1,Vector v2) {return v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;} Vector operator*(Vector v1,Vector v2) { return Vector( v1.y * v2.z - v1.z*v2.y, v1.z * v2.x - v1.x*v2.z, v1.x * v2.y - v1.y*v2.x); } Vector planelineintersection(Vector n,float d,Vector p1,Vector p2){ // returns the point where the line p1-p2 intersects the plane n&d Vector dif = p2-p1; float dn= n^dif; float t = -(d+(n^p1) )/dn; return p1 + (dif*t); } int concurrent(Vector a,Vector b) { return(a.x==b.x && a.y==b.y && a.z==b.z); } // Matrix Implementation matrix transpose(matrix m) { return matrix( Vector(m.x.x,m.y.x,m.z.x), Vector(m.x.y,m.y.y,m.z.y), Vector(m.x.z,m.y.z,m.z.z)); } Vector operator*(matrix m,Vector v){ m=transpose(m); // since column ordered return Vector(m.x^v,m.y^v,m.z^v); } matrix operator*(matrix m1,matrix m2){ m1=transpose(m1); return matrix(m1*m2.x,m1*m2.y,m1*m2.z); } //Quaternion Implementation Quaternion operator*(Quaternion a,Quaternion b) { Quaternion c; c.r = a.r*b.r - a.x*b.x - a.y*b.y - a.z*b.z; c.x = a.r*b.x + a.x*b.r + a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y; c.y = a.r*b.y - a.x*b.z + a.y*b.r + a.z*b.x; c.z = a.r*b.z + a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x + a.z*b.r; return c; } Quaternion operator-(Quaternion q) { return Quaternion(q.r*-1,q.x,q.y,q.z); } Quaternion operator*(Quaternion a,float b) { return Quaternion(a.r*b, a.x*b, a.y*b, a.z*b); } Vector operator*(Quaternion q,Vector v) { return q.getmatrix() * v; } Vector operator*(Vector v,Quaternion q){ assert(0); // must multiply with the quat on the left return Vector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); } Quaternion operator+(Quaternion a,Quaternion b) { return Quaternion(a.r+b.r, a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y, a.z+b.z); } float operator^(Quaternion a,Quaternion b) { return (a.r*b.r + a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z); } Quaternion slerp(Quaternion a,Quaternion b,float interp){ if((a^b) <0.0) { a.r=-a.r; a.x=-a.x; a.y=-a.y; a.z=-a.z; } float theta = float(acos(a^b)); if(theta==0.0f) { return(a);} return a*float(sin(theta-interp*theta)/sin(theta)) + b*float(sin(interp*theta)/sin(theta)); }