set terminal postscript enhanced color solid set output " set xlabel "x, m" offset 0,0.5 set ylabel "p/{/Symbol r}" offset 2,0 #set y2label "dy [m]" set grid set size 0.8,0.5 #set y2tics set border linewidth 1.5 set rmargin 2 set lmargin 6 plot "data/interfacePressure_1-sub-iter.dat" using 1:3 title "1 sub-iter" with lines lw 1.5, \ "data/interfacePressure_2-sub-iter.dat" using 1:3 title "2 sub-iter" with points lt 2 ps 1 pt 6 lw 1.5, \ "data/interfacePressure_converged.dat" using 1:3 title "Converged" with lines lw 1.5 #set output #set terminal x11