2008-10-23 Contents: surfaceAdd - adds to surface files. (but does not intersect or anything) surfaceBooleanOp - Boolean operations (add, or, xor) on closed surfaces. Probably not working. surfaceCheck - checks surface for incorrect topology. Checks normals of neighbouring faces. surfaceCoarsen - Stan Melax coarsening algorithm surfaceConvert - Converts surfaces to/from various formats surfaceFind - Finds nearest vertex and face to given point. surfaceMeshTriangulate - Triangulate external facses of mesh and write as surface. surfacePointMerge - Explicit point merge of surface. surfaceSetOutside - Orient normals on (closed) surface. surfaceSmooth - Laplacian smoothing on surface vertices surfaceSubset - Subsets surface surfaceToPatch - Applies region information of surfaces to mesh. Each external face of mesh gets region number of nearest surface triangle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- surfaceMeshConvert - Similar to surfaceConvert, but uses surfMesh library