{ rho = thermo.rho(); volScalarField rUA = 1.0/UEqn().A(); surfaceScalarField rhorUAf("(rho*(1|A(U)))", fvc::interpolate(rho*rUA)); U = rUA*UEqn().H(); UEqn.clear(); phi = fvc::interpolate(rho)*(fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf()); bool closedVolume = adjustPhi(phi, U, p); surfaceScalarField buoyancyPhi = rhorUAf*fvc::interpolate(rho)*(g & mesh.Sf()); phi += buoyancyPhi; while (simple.correctNonOrthogonal()) { fvScalarMatrix pEqn ( fvm::laplacian(rhorUAf, p) == fvc::div(phi) ); pEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue); pEqn.solve(); if (simple.finalNonOrthogonalIter()) { // For closed-volume cases adjust the pressure and density levels // to obey overall mass continuity if (closedVolume) { p += (initialMass - fvc::domainIntegrate(psi*p)) /fvc::domainIntegrate(psi); } // Calculate the conservative fluxes phi -= pEqn.flux(); // Explicitly relax pressure for momentum corrector p.relax(); // Correct the momentum source with the pressure gradient flux // calculated from the relaxed pressure U += rUA*fvc::reconstruct((buoyancyPhi - pEqn.flux())/rhorUAf); U.correctBoundaryConditions(); } } #include "continuityErrs.H" rho = thermo.rho(); rho.relax(); Info<< "rho max/min : " << max(rho).value() << " " << min(rho).value() << endl; }