/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ ========= | \\ / F ield | foam-extend: Open Source CFD \\ / O peration | Version: 3.2 \\ / A nd | Web: http://www.foam-extend.org \\/ M anipulation | For copyright notice see file Copyright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License This file is part of foam-extend. foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with foam-extend. If not, see . Application gambitToFoam Description Converts a GAMBIT mesh to FOAM format. \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ %{ #undef yyFlexLexer /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\ ------ local definitions \* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "scalarList.H" #include "IStringStream.H" // For EOF only #include using namespace Foam; #include "argList.H" #include "objectRegistry.H" #include "Time.H" #include "polyMesh.H" #include "emptyPolyPatch.H" #include "preservePatchTypes.H" #include "cellModeller.H" #include "cellShape.H" #include "SLList.H" #include "SLPtrList.H" label nPoints = 0; label nCells = 0; label nCellStreams = 0; label nPatches = 0; label nCoordDirections = 0; label nVectorComponents = 0; pointField points(0); labelList pointMap(0); PtrList cellLabels(0); labelList cellMap(0); labelList cellTypes(0); labelList cellStreamIDs(0); wordList patchNames(0); labelListList patchCells(0); labelListList patchCellFaces(0); label nValuesForPatchFaces = 0; // Dummy yywrap to keep yylex happy at compile time. // It is called by yylex but is not used as the mechanism to change file. // See <> #if YY_FLEX_SUBMINOR_VERSION < 34 extern "C" int yywrap() #else int yyFlexLexer::yywrap() #endif { return 1; } %} one_space [ \t\f\r] space {one_space}* some_space {one_space}+ spaceNl ({space}|\n)* alpha [_[:alpha:]] digit [[:digit:]] dotColonDash [.:-] label [0-9]{digit}* zeroLabel {digit}* word ({alpha}|{digit}|{dotColonDash})* exponent_part [eE][-+]?{digit}+ fractional_constant [-+]?(({digit}*"."{digit}+)|({digit}+"."?)) floatNum ((({fractional_constant}{exponent_part}?)|({digit}+{exponent_part}))|0) x {floatNum} y {floatNum} z {floatNum} labelListElement {space}{zeroLabel} scalarListElement {space}{floatNum} labelList ({labelListElement}+{space}) scalarList ({scalarListElement}+{space}) starStar ("**") text ({space}({word}*{space})*\n) dateDDMMYYYY ({digit}{digit}"/"{digit}{digit}"/"{digit}{digit}{digit}{digit}) dateDDMonYYYY ((({digit}{digit}{space})|({digit}{space})){alpha}*{space}{digit}{digit}{digit}{digit}) time ({digit}{digit}":"{digit}{digit}":"{digit}{digit}) versionNumber ({digit}|".")* controlInfo ^{space}"CONTROL INFO"{space}{versionNumber} applicationData ^{space}"APPLICATION DATA"{space}{versionNumber} nodalCoords ^{space}"NODAL COORDINATES"{space}{versionNumber} cellsAndElements ^{space}"ELEMENTS/CELLS"{space}{versionNumber} cellStreams ^{space}"ELEMENT GROUP"{space}{versionNumber} boundaryPatch ^{space}"BOUNDARY CONDITIONS"{space}{versionNumber} faceConnectivity ^{space}"FACE CONNECTIVITY"{space}{versionNumber} endOfSection ^{space}"ENDOFSECTION"{space} program {space}"PROGRAM:"{space} version {space}"VERSION:"{space} group {space}"GROUP:"{space} elements {space}"ELEMENTS:"{space} material {space}"MATERIAL:"{space} nFlags {space}"NFLAGS:"{space} mtype {space}"MTYPE:"{space} /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\ ----- Exclusive start states ----- \* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ %option stack %x controlInfo %x readControlHeader %x readTitle %x readProgramID %x readVersionID %x applicationData %x nodalCoords %x cellsAndElements %x cellStreams %x cellStreamTitle %x cellStreamFlags %x cellStreamLabels %x readCellStreamGroupID %x readCellStreamNElements %x readCellStreamMaterial %x readCellStreamNFlags %x boundaryPatch %x boundaryPatchParams %x boundaryPatchFaces %x faceConnectivity %x globalMeshData %x cellContLine %% %{ label nCellContinuationLines = 0; label curNumberOfNodes = 0; label curNumberOfCells = 0; label curGroupID = 0; label nFlagsForStream = 0; label curBoundaryPatch = 0; label curPatchFace = 0; %} /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\ ------ Start Lexing ------ \* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------ Reading control header ------ */ {controlInfo} { BEGIN(readControlHeader); } {starStar}{space}{text} { BEGIN(readTitle); } {text} { Info << "Title: " << YYText(); BEGIN(controlInfo); } {spaceNl}{program} { BEGIN(readProgramID); } {space}{word} { Info<< "Written by " << YYText() << " "; BEGIN(controlInfo); } {spaceNl}{version} { BEGIN(readVersionID); } {space}{versionNumber} { Info<< " version " << YYText() << endl; BEGIN(controlInfo); } {space}{dateDDMonYYYY}{space}{time} { Info<< "File written on " << YYText() << endl; } {space}{dateDDMMYYYY}{space}{time} { Info<< "File written on " << YYText() << endl; } {spaceNl}"NUMNP"{space}"NELEM"{space}"NGRPS"{space}"NBSETS"{space}("NDFCD"|"NDCFD"){space}"NDFVL"{space}\n { BEGIN(globalMeshData); } {spaceNl}{label}{space}{label}{space}{label}{space}{label}{space}{label}{space}{label}{space}\n { IStringStream nodeStream(YYText()); nPoints = readLabel(nodeStream); nCells = readLabel(nodeStream); nCellStreams = readLabel(nodeStream); nPatches = readLabel(nodeStream); nCoordDirections = readLabel(nodeStream); nVectorComponents = readLabel(nodeStream); // reset list sizes - now known! points.setSize(nPoints); pointMap.setSize(nPoints); cellLabels.setSize(nCells); cellMap.setSize(nCells); cellTypes.setSize(nCells); cellStreamIDs.setSize(nCells); patchNames.setSize(nPatches); patchCells.setSize(nPatches); patchCellFaces.setSize(nPatches); Info<< " number of points: " << nPoints << endl << " number of cells: " << nCells << endl << " number of patches: " << nPatches << endl; BEGIN(controlInfo); } /* ------ Reading nodal coordinates ------ */ {nodalCoords}{spaceNl} { curNumberOfNodes = 0; Info<< "Reading nodal coordinates" << endl; BEGIN(nodalCoords); } {spaceNl}{label}{space}{x}{space}{y}{space}{z}{space}\n { IStringStream nodeStream(YYText()); label nodeI(readLabel(nodeStream)); // Note: coordinates must be read one at the time. scalar x = readScalar(nodeStream); scalar y = readScalar(nodeStream); scalar z = readScalar(nodeStream); // add mapping and scalced node to the list pointMap[curNumberOfNodes] = nodeI; points[curNumberOfNodes] = point(x, y, z); curNumberOfNodes++; } /* ------ Reading cells and elements ------ */ {cellsAndElements}{spaceNl} { curNumberOfCells = 0; Info<< "Reading cells" << endl; BEGIN(cellsAndElements); } {spaceNl}{label}{space}{label}{space}{label}{labelList} { IStringStream elementStream(YYText()); label cellI(readLabel(elementStream)); label cellType(readLabel(elementStream)); label nVertices(readLabel(elementStream)); // reset number of continuation lines nCellContinuationLines = 0; cellMap[curNumberOfCells] = cellI; cellTypes[curNumberOfCells] = cellType; cellLabels.set(curNumberOfCells, new labelList(nVertices)); labelList& curLabels = cellLabels[curNumberOfCells]; // Find out how many labels are expected. If less or equal to // seven, read them all and finish with it. If there is more, // set read of the next line label labelsToRead = min(8, nVertices); label labelI = 0; for (; labelI < labelsToRead; labelI++) { if (elementStream.eof()) break; // Check token to avoid trailing space. token curLabelTok(elementStream); if (curLabelTok.isLabel()) { curLabels[labelI] = curLabelTok.labelToken(); } else { break; } } if (labelI < nVertices) { BEGIN(cellContLine); } else { curNumberOfCells++; } } {spaceNl}{labelList} { IStringStream elementStream(YYText()); nCellContinuationLines++; labelList& curLabels = cellLabels[curNumberOfCells]; label labelsToRead = min ( (nCellContinuationLines + 1)*7, curLabels.size() ); for ( label labelI = nCellContinuationLines*7; labelI < labelsToRead; labelI++ ) { curLabels[labelI] = readLabel(elementStream); } // if read is finished, go back to reading cells if (curLabels.size() < (nCellContinuationLines + 1)*7) { curNumberOfCells++; BEGIN(cellsAndElements); } } /* ------ Reading element group information ------ */ {cellStreams}{spaceNl} { Info<< "Reading cell streams" << endl; BEGIN(cellStreams); } {spaceNl}{group} { BEGIN(readCellStreamGroupID); } {space}{label} { IStringStream groupStream(YYText()); if (curGroupID > 0) { FatalErrorIn("gambitToFoam::main") << "{space}{label} : " << "trying to reset group ID while active" << abort(FatalError); } else { curGroupID = readLabel(groupStream); } BEGIN(cellStreams); } {spaceNl}{elements} { BEGIN(readCellStreamNElements); } {space}{label} { IStringStream nElementsStream(YYText()); readLabel(nElementsStream); BEGIN(cellStreams); } {spaceNl}{material} { BEGIN(readCellStreamMaterial); } {space}{label} { IStringStream materialIDstream(YYText()); readLabel(materialIDstream); BEGIN(cellStreams); } {spaceNl}{nFlags} { BEGIN(readCellStreamNFlags); } {space}{label} { IStringStream nFlagsStream(YYText()); nFlagsForStream = readLabel(nFlagsStream); BEGIN(cellStreamTitle); } {spaceNl}{word}{spaceNl} { word streamName(Foam::string::validate(YYText())); BEGIN(cellStreamFlags); } {labelList} { Info<< "Reading cell stream labels" << endl; BEGIN(cellStreamLabels); } {spaceNl}{labelList} { IStringStream nFlagsStream(YYText()); label cellLabel; while (nFlagsStream.read(cellLabel)) { cellStreamIDs[cellLabel - 1] = curGroupID; } // reset current group ID and a number of flags curGroupID = 0; nFlagsForStream = 0; } /* ------ Reading end of section and others ------ */ {endOfSection}\n { Info<< "Finished reading cell stream labels" << endl; // reset current group ID and a number of flags curGroupID = 0; nFlagsForStream = 0; BEGIN(INITIAL); } {boundaryPatch}{spaceNl} { curPatchFace = 0; Info<< "Reading patches" << endl; BEGIN(boundaryPatchParams); } {spaceNl}{word}{labelList} { IStringStream patchParamsStream(YYText()); patchParamsStream.read(patchNames[curBoundaryPatch]); readLabel(patchParamsStream); label nEntry(readLabel(patchParamsStream)); nValuesForPatchFaces = readLabel(patchParamsStream); patchCells[curBoundaryPatch].setSize(nEntry); patchCellFaces[curBoundaryPatch].setSize(nEntry); Info<< "patch " << curBoundaryPatch << ": name: " << patchNames[curBoundaryPatch] << endl; BEGIN(boundaryPatchFaces); } {spaceNl}{label}{space}{label}{space}{label}({scalarList}|{space}\n) { // Face-based boundary condition IStringStream patchFacesStream(YYText()); patchCells[curBoundaryPatch][curPatchFace] = readLabel(patchFacesStream); readLabel(patchFacesStream); patchCellFaces[curBoundaryPatch][curPatchFace] = readLabel(patchFacesStream); // patch face values currently discarded if (nValuesForPatchFaces > 0) { scalarList patchFaceValues(nValuesForPatchFaces); forAll(patchFaceValues, fI) { patchFaceValues[fI] = readScalar(patchFacesStream); } } curPatchFace++; } {spaceNl}{label}({scalarList}|\n) { // Vertex-based boundary condition FatalErrorIn("gambitToFoam::main") << "{spaceNl}{label}{scalarList} : " << "boundary condition specified on vertices not supported" << abort(FatalError); } {endOfSection}\n { curBoundaryPatch++; BEGIN(INITIAL); } /* ------ Reading end of section and others ------ */ {endOfSection}\n { BEGIN(INITIAL); } /* ------ Ignore remaining space and \n s. Any other characters are errors. */ .|\n {} /* ------ On EOF return to previous file, if none exists terminate. ------ */ <> { yyterminate(); } %% #include "fileName.H" #include using std::ifstream; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { argList::noParallel(); argList::validArgs.append("GAMBIT file"); argList::validOptions.insert("scale", "scale factor"); argList args(argc, argv); if (!args.check()) { FatalError.exit(); } scalar scaleFactor = 1.0; args.optionReadIfPresent("scale", scaleFactor); # include "createTime.H" fileName gambitFile(args.additionalArgs()[0]); ifstream gambitStream(gambitFile.c_str()); if (!gambitStream) { FatalErrorIn("gambitToFoam::main") << args.executable() << ": file " << gambitFile << " not found" << abort(FatalError); } yyFlexLexer lexer(&gambitStream); while (lexer.yylex() != 0) {} Info<< "Finished lexing" << endl; // make a point mapping array label maxPointIndex = 0; forAll(pointMap, pointI) { if (pointMap[pointI] > maxPointIndex) { maxPointIndex = pointMap[pointI]; } } labelList pointLookup(maxPointIndex + 1, -1); forAll(pointMap, pointI) { pointLookup[pointMap[pointI] ] = pointI; } // make a cell mapping array label maxCellIndex = 0; forAll(cellMap, cellI) { if (cellMap[cellI] > maxCellIndex) { maxCellIndex = cellMap[cellI]; } } labelList cellLookup(maxCellIndex + 1); forAll(cellMap, cellI) { cellLookup[cellMap[cellI] ] = cellI; } const cellModel& hex = *(cellModeller::lookup("hex")); const cellModel& prism = *(cellModeller::lookup("prism")); const cellModel& pyr = *(cellModeller::lookup("pyr")); const cellModel& tet = *(cellModeller::lookup("tet")); labelList labelsHex(8); labelList labelsPrism(6); labelList labelsPyramid(5); labelList labelsTet(4); cellShapeList cells(cellLabels.size()); forAll(cellTypes, cellI) { const labelList& curCellLabels = cellLabels[cellI]; // Tetrahedron if (cellTypes[cellI] == 6) { labelsTet[0] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[0] ]; labelsTet[1] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[2] ]; labelsTet[2] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[3] ]; labelsTet[3] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[1] ]; cells[cellI] = cellShape(tet, labelsTet); } // Square-based pyramid else if (cellTypes[cellI] == 7) { labelsPyramid[0] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[0] ]; labelsPyramid[1] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[1] ]; labelsPyramid[2] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[3] ]; labelsPyramid[3] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[2] ]; labelsPyramid[4] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[4] ]; cells[cellI] = cellShape(pyr, labelsPyramid); } // Triangular prism else if (cellTypes[cellI] == 5) { labelsPrism[0] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[0] ]; labelsPrism[1] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[1] ]; labelsPrism[2] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[2] ]; labelsPrism[3] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[3] ]; labelsPrism[4] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[4] ]; labelsPrism[5] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[5] ]; cells[cellI] = cellShape(prism, labelsPrism); } // Hex else if (cellTypes[cellI] == 4) { labelsHex[0] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[0] ]; labelsHex[1] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[1] ]; labelsHex[2] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[3] ]; labelsHex[3] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[2] ]; labelsHex[4] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[4] ]; labelsHex[5] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[5] ]; labelsHex[6] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[7] ]; labelsHex[7] = pointLookup[curCellLabels[6] ]; cells[cellI] = cellShape(hex, labelsHex); } } // give foam model face number given a fluent model face number label faceIndex[8][6] = { {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, // 0 {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, // 1 {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, // 2 { 2, 1, 3, 0, 4, 5}, // Hex (3) {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, // 4 { 4, 3, 2, 0, 1, -1}, // Triangular prism (5) { 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, -1}, // Pyramid (6) { 2, 1, 0, 3, -1, -1} // Tet (7) }; faceListList boundary(patchCells.size()); forAll(patchCells, patchI) { labelList& curCells = patchCells[patchI]; labelList& curFaces = patchCellFaces[patchI]; faceList& patchFaces = boundary[patchI]; patchFaces.setSize(curCells.size()); forAll(curCells, faceI) { patchFaces[faceI] = cells[cellLookup[curCells[faceI] ] ].faces() [ faceIndex [ // this picks a cell type cells[cellLookup[curCells[faceI] ] ] .model().index() ] [curFaces[faceI] - 1] // this gives a fluent face - 1 ]; } } Info<< "gambitToFoam: " << endl << "Gambit file format does not provide information about the type of " << "the patch (eg. wall, symmetry plane, cyclic etc)." << endl << "All the patches have been created " << "as type patch. Please reset after mesh conversion as necessary." << endl; // Scale points points *= scaleFactor; PtrList patchDicts(boundary.size()); word defaultFacesName = "defaultFaces"; word defaultFacesType = emptyPolyPatch::typeName; preservePatchTypes ( runTime, runTime.constant(), polyMesh::meshSubDir, patchNames, patchDicts, defaultFacesName, defaultFacesType ); // Add information to dictionary forAll(patchNames, patchI) { if (!patchDicts.set(patchI)) { patchDicts.set(patchI, new dictionary()); } // Add but not overwrite patchDicts[patchI].add("type", polyPatch::typeName, false); } polyMesh pShapeMesh ( IOobject ( polyMesh::defaultRegion, runTime.constant(), runTime ), xferMove(points), cells, boundary, patchNames, patchDicts, defaultFacesName, defaultFacesType ); // Set the precision of the points data to 10 IOstream::defaultPrecision(max(10u, IOstream::defaultPrecision())); Info<< "Writing polyMesh" << endl; pShapeMesh.write(); Info<< "\nEnd\n" << endl; return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\ ------ End of gambitToFoam.L \* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */