C C Simple example fortran program to write a C binary datafile for tecplot. This example C does the following: C C 1. Open a datafile called "t.plt" C 2. Assign values for X,Y, and P C 3. Write out a zone dimensioned 4x5 C 4. Close the datafile. C C program test C This code was written for FORTRAN77 compilers. If you are using a C FORTRAN90/95 compiler, we recommend using the .f90 source code files. C Otherwise, you will need to alter the include statement below to include C tecio.for instead of tecio.inc. INCLUDE 'tecio.inc' character*1 NULLCHR Integer*4 Debug,III,NPts,NElm Dimension X(4,5), Y(4,5), P(4,5) Real*8 SolTime Integer*4 VIsDouble, FileType Integer*4 ZoneType,StrandID,ParentZn,IsBlock Integer*4 ICellMax,JCellMax,KCellMax,NFConns,FNMode,ShrConn POINTER (NullPtr,Null) Integer*4 Null(*) NULLCHR = CHAR(0) NullPtr = 0 Debug = 1 FileType = 0 VIsDouble = 0 IMax = 4 JMax = 5 KMax = 1 ZoneType = 0 SolTime = 360.0 StrandID = 0 ParentZn = 0 IsBlock = 1 ICellMax = 0 JCellMax = 0 KCellMax = 0 NFConns = 0 FNMode = 0 ShrConn = 0 C C... Open the file and write the tecplot datafile C... header information. C I = TecIni112('SIMPLE DATASET'//NULLCHR, & 'X Y P'//NULLCHR, & 't.plt'//NULLCHR, & '.'//NULLCHR, & FileType, & Debug, & VIsDouble) Do 10 I = 1,4 Do 10 J = 1,5 X(I,J) = I Y(I,J) = J P(I,J) = I*J 10 Continue C C... Write the zone header information. C I = TecZne112('Simple Zone'//NULLCHR, & ZoneType, & IMax, & JMax, & KMax, & ICellMax, & JCellMax, & KCellMax, & SolTime, & StrandID, & ParentZn, & IsBlock, & NFConns, & FNMode, & 0, & 0, & 0, & Null, & Null, & Null, & ShrConn) C C... Write out the field data. C III = IMax*JMax I = TecDat112(III,X,0) I = TecDat112(III,Y,0) I = TecDat112(III,P,0) I = TecEnd112() Stop End