Henrik Rusche
Vanilla backport
- in FOAM library
updated containers
backported PackedBoolList, hashedWordList, nullObject, wordRe,
backported functions to
backported int32 support
backported tableReaders
backported Function1, TimeFunction1
backported dynamicCode (for codedBCs, ...) -- needs to be mapped out
advanced error macros (FatalIOErrorInFunction, ...) -- needs to be mapped out
backported IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED and added IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT_IF_MODIFIED (only in FO)
- in postProcessing
backported IO FOs (partialWrite, removeRegisteredObject, writeDictionary, writeRegisteredObject)
backported field FOs (fieldCoordinateSystemTransform, fieldValues, nearWallFields, processorField, readFields, regionSizeDistribution, streamLine, wallBoundedStreamLine)
backported fvTools FOs (calcFvcDiv, calcFvcGrad, calcMag)
backported jobControl FOs (abortCalculation)
backported utilities FOs (ourantNo, Lambda2, Peclet, Q, codedFunctionObject, pressureTools, residuals, scalarTransport, setTimeStep, timeActivatedFileUpdate, turbulenceFields, vorticity, wallShearStress)
2018-02-16 15:07:55 +01:00
Updated .L files to assign properly the function 'yywrap()' for Flex 2.6.0 and newer.
Nonetheless, keep in mind that this isn't general enough, since this will again have future issues with Flex 3.0, if and when that time comes.
Note: Used the same fix from OpenFOAM-dev, commit a4eabffbacfa8e4648f044e3d4c2a74d722a2b47.
2016-08-25 19:11:41 +01:00