// Negative values of the time is not allowed in EnSight.
// So for engines, where the time is CAD's we need to correct
// this so that all CAD's are positive. NN
int USERD_get_sol_times
int timeset_number,
float *solution_times
Info<< "Entering: USERD_get_sol_times\n" << timeDirs << endl;
for (label n=0; n<Num_time_steps;n++)
solution_times[n] = timeDirs[n+1].value();
if (timeDirs[1].value() < 0)
scalar addCAD = 360.0;
while (timeDirs[1].value() + addCAD < 0.0)
addCAD += 360.0;
solution_times[n] += addCAD;
Info << "Time[" << n << "] = " << timeDirs[n+1].value()
<< " was corrected to " << solution_times[n] << endl;
Info<< "Leaving: USERD_get_sol_times" << endl;
return Z_OK;