This script is taking care of the basic ThirdParty tools like compilers, cmake , python, etc.
If we ever need to override the local version of flex or bison, this is where we will add those additional packages.
This stage will also generate a .sh and .csh file one needs to source in order to initialize the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH env. variable.
If you need to compile the rest of the ThirdParty packages with a new gcc compiler, you will need to source those .sh or .csh file in before activating the other
This script is taking care of the MPI communication libraries. Right now, only OpenMPI is supported.
This stage will also generate a .sh and .csh file one needs to source in order to initialize the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH env. variable.
You will need to source those .sh or .csh file in before activating the other AllMake.stage(3-4) scripts because some packages depends on the communication library.
This script is taking care of the "standard" ThirdParty libraries like metis, scotch, mesquite, etc.
This stage will also generate a .sh and .csh file one needs to source in order to initialize the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH env. variable.
You will need to source those .sh or .csh file in before compiling OpenFOAM because some "Make/options" files will refer to environment variable that are
This script is taking care of Paraview and QT (and takes an awfull long time to compile, honest...).
This stage will also generate a .sh and .csh file one needs to source in order to initialize the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH env. variable.
You will need to source those .sh or .csh file in before compiling OpenFOAM because some "Make/options" files will refer to environment variable that are specific to those packages
a: All the generated RPMs can be relocated, meaning that you can override the hard-coded root installation directory when using those RPMs for installation.
b: You can check that the RPM is relocatable by using the command rpm -qip thePackage.rpm. For example, from the cmake-2.8.3 package generated on one of my machine:
Even better, you can dig down the hard-coded path even deeper in order to relocate the whole installation directory, down to the last hard-coded subdirectory.
So basically, you can install the RPM right under /usr if you want, hence bypassing the default sequence of package subdirectories I have chosen in order to stay
close to the "traditional" ThirdParty layout.
9: Things to do:
a: Testing testing testing. This prototype was tested on the following platforms: