18 lines
658 B
18 lines
658 B
set terminal postscript enhanced color solid
set output "deflection.ps"
set xlabel "Time, t [s]"
set ylabel "Deflection, d [m]"
set grid
plot [0:] "./history/3.8/historySolid.dat" using 1:($3 - 0.2) title "UL" with lines
#plot [0:] "../../totalLagrangian/fluid-rho10-2/history/0/historySolid.dat" using 1:($3) title "TL" with lines, \
#"../fluid-rho10-corr/history/0/historySolid.dat" using 1:($3 - 0.2) title "UL-corr" with lines, \
#"./history/0/historySolid.dat" using 1:($3 - 0.2) title "UL" with lines, \
#"../../incrementalTotalLagrangian/fluid-rho10-2/history/0/historySolid.dat" using 1:($3) title "ITL" with lines
#set output
#set terminal x11