Only the `main` and `r` channels are available using the Conda module on the clusters. To use custom packages, we need to move the local Conda environment to Hawk.
Follow the instructions in [the Conda environment builder repository]( The YAML file to create a test environment is available in the `deployment_scripts` directory.
Proceed to the next step if you have already configured your workspace. Use the following command to create a workspace on the high-performance filesystem, which will expire in 10 days. For more information, such as how to enable reminder emails, refer to the [workspace mechanism]( guide.
ws_allocate dask_workspace 10
ws_find dask_workspace # find the path to workspace, which is the destination directory in the next step
Note: For multiple nodes, it is recommended to write a `.pbs` script and submit it using `qsub`. Follow section [Multiple Nodes](#multiple-nodes) for more information.
To run the application on multiple nodes, you need to write a `.pbs` script and submit it using `qsub`. Follow lines 1-4 from the [Getting Started](#getting-started) section. Write a `submit-dask-job.pbs` script:
#PBS -N dask-job
#PBS -l select=3:node_type=rome-ai
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#Go to the directory where the code is
cd <destination_directory>
#Deploy the Dask cluster
source "$(pwd)"
#Run the python script
python <your-script>.py
And then execute the following commands to submit the job: