deploys a custom conda env to the HOME directory

This commit is contained in:
Kerem Kayabay 2024-02-23 17:55:57 +03:00
parent bee280ff14
commit 42eeab9a34
3 changed files with 109 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ This Docker image includes a utility script, ``, that autom
2. **Run the Docker Container with Volume Mount**: Run the Docker container, mounting the directory containing your environment YAML file. Replace `<path-to-your-yaml-file>` with the actual path to your YAML file:
docker run -it -v <path-to-your-yaml-file>:/envs --workdir /envs miniconda-rockylinux:latest
docker run --rm -it -v <path-to-your-yaml-file>:/envs --workdir /envs miniconda-rockylinux:latest
3. **Execute the Script Inside the Container**: Once inside the container, run the script with your YAML file as an argument. Replace your_environment.yml with the name of your environment file:
@ -58,4 +58,52 @@ The script will create the environment, pack it, and output a `.tar.gz` file tha
- The packed environment file will be saved in the same directory as the original YAML file.
- Ensure the volume mount (-v) option correctly maps the local directory containing your YAML file to the `/envs` directory inside the container.
- Ensure the volume mount (-v) option correctly maps the local directory containing your YAML file to the `/envs` directory inside the container.
## Unpacking and Activating the Environment
1. **Transfer the packed environment**: Use `scp` to transfer the packed environment file and `` to the remote server:
scp user@remote-server:~/
scp envs/your_environment.tar.gz user@remote-server:~/your_environment.tar.gz
2. **SSH into the remote server**
ssh user@remote-server
3. **Deploy the environment**
chmod +x
./ your_environment.tar.gz
rm your_environment.tar.gz
4. **Test the environment using a Hawk compute node**
# Request an interactive job allocation for 5 minutes on a CPU node
qsub -I -l select=1:node_type=rome -l walltime=00:05:00
# Load the Conda module
module load bigdata/conda
# List available Conda environments (for verification purposes)
conda env list
# Activate a specific Conda environment.
# Replace '/path/to/your_environment' with the actual path to your Conda environment.
# This path might look something like '$HOME/.conda/envs/your_environment'
source /path/to/your_environment/bin/activate
# Add any additional commands you want to run within the Conda environment below this line.
## Important Notice Regarding Filesystem Space
Conda environments, especially those with many dependencies or large packages, can consume a significant amount of disk space. Given that the file system space on `HOME` is limited by a quota (50 GB per user, 200 GB per group), it's important to manage the space used by Conda environments carefully.
- **Monitor Disk Usage**: Regularly check the disk space used by your Conda environments. You can use commands like `du -sh ~/.conda/envs/*` to see the space used by each environment.
- **Clean Up Regularly**: Remove unused environments with `conda env remove --name <env-name>`. Also, consider using `conda clean --all` to remove unused packages and caches.
- **Environment Management**: Be strategic about the packages included in your environments to minimize space usage. Only include necessary packages and consider lighter alternatives for heavy dependencies.

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@ -24,4 +24,9 @@ echo "Packing environment: $ENV_NAME"
conda deactivate
conda pack -n $ENV_NAME -o ${ENV_NAME}.tar.gz
echo "Environment $ENV_NAME packed successfully into ${ENV_NAME}.tar.gz"
# Check if the file exists
if [ -f "${ENV_NAME}.tar.gz" ]; then
echo "Environment $ENV_NAME packed successfully into ${ENV_NAME}.tar.gz"
echo "Failed to pack the environment $ENV_NAME."

53 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Check if an environment file was provided
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 environment.tar.gz"
exit 0
echo "Extracting the environment name from the provided archive..."
extract_filename() {
local fullpath="$1"
local filename="${fullpath##*/}" # Remove the path, retain the filename
local name="${filename%%.*}" # Remove the extension
echo "$name"
# Set environment variables based on the provided archive path.
export ENV_ARCHIVE=$1
export ENV_NAME=$(extract_filename $ENV_ARCHIVE) # The name of the environment, derived from the archive file name.
echo "Environment name extracted: $ENV_NAME"
# Define the path where Conda environments are stored and the specific path for the new environment.
export CONDA_ENVS="$HOME/.conda/envs"
echo "Designated path for the new environment: $ENV_PATH"
# Create the directory structure for the new environment.
mkdir -p $ENV_PATH
echo "Unpacking the provided environment archive into the designated environment path..."
# Unpack the provided environment archive into the designated environment path.
echo "Changing into the environment directory..."
# Change into the environment directory.
module load bigdata/conda
echo "Unpacking Conda environment..."
# Check if the environment was deployed successfully by verifying the existence of the conda-meta directory.
if [ -d "$ENV_PATH/conda-meta" ]; then
echo "Environment setup completed successfully."
echo "Failed to deploy the Conda environment properly. Please check the archive and try again."